——— CALIFORNIA KING JAMES BIBLE BELIEVERS GROUPS ——— ————— Daily Devotional for Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 2014 ————— ———— Any Serious Bible Student Will Ask, Lord, is it I? ———— In any serious Bible study, the student has to take a verse part by part meditating upon it and then ask... “Lord, is it I?” —Am I as it says? Am I good or bad, caring or indifferent, selfless or selfish, loving or hating, giving or taking, serving or absence, Christian or religious, after the Spirit or after the flesh, etc.? “Lord, is it I?” If you are following the “Spirit of truth”, He will answer you immediately, in the very next thought to enter your mind. That is... Who You Are! Deny what is said to you, if you want, but if you listen . . . You will grow in Christ! This is the bottom line, bar none! You study the KJB, you ask in sincerity “Lord, is it I”, and . . . you will be answered immediately! Then ask for forgiveness immediately, in sincerity, in Christ, in the Spirit I have never asked God once in this manner that He did not answer me with either, “You have thought or felt or acted in this so-n-so sin!” And as I confess and repent, He answers . . . I forgive you, “go and sin no more.” This is studying to be “approved of God” —not of men. What do I mean? Simple this, in taking the verse part by part you are dividing it (the words study and dividing are not mentioned in most MVs because these are the correct words for the ways to come to understanding God, the KJB, and yourself better). We have to look, read, and study the KJB “line upon line” to grow in Christ. Additionally, we must be maturing in Christ—growing from the milk of the Word into the meat of the Word. Let’s read... Isa. 28:9-11, “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” So to grow in Christ we must look, read, and study the KJB. Looking is how you start. Just look at the KJB. I keep about five or six KJ Bibles lying around the house. If it’s in sight, this is the start! Just read the KJ Bible. I just read the Scriptures everyday. Not to gain knowledge, but to be loved, encourage, edified, and convicted to get right with God everyday. If you just do the first two the desire to study will come “if” when convicted of sin in your life—you ask forgiveness and repent. Most people, Christian and non, walk away from the KJ Bible when the Spirit convicts them to face their particular way of sinning against God. They quickly forget the love they receive from God while being in the Word, also they forget the encouragement and edification. We all tend to remember what we don’t like from something or someone. Yet, getting over such childishness is the key to growth. It will give you the desire to read on to victory in the love of Christ! Also, look at this last verse in Isa. 28 listed above, verse 11, “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” This means that God would use a book in another language to speak to them. That book in a particular language is the KJB. Zeph. 3:9 says, “For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.” That “pure language” is the English in the KJB. One may say, “It’s the Greek that the verse is talking about!” No, it’s not! For if it was the Greek, where are all the people, the Jews turned to it? The whole Jewish Nation will turn to the LORD while the English language is the main language! Less than 1% of the world speaks Greek. Over 40% of the world speaks English! If you study the KJB, then you will learn in studying that you should divide the Bible to get the proper understanding of it. And this is perfectly what the KJB teaches, and it is perfectly what the MVs REMOVE from their lying texts! When you divide the Bible you are following God’s example. He has gone on before and divided His Word already. He divided it into the OT and the NT, He has divided it into books, chapters, paragraphs, sentences, words, and letters, also according to KJB English grammar. “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.” —THIS IS LOOKING AROUND YOUR HOME AT THE BIBLE! “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept;” —THIS IS READING TO BE CONVICTED OF THE BIBLE! “line upon line, line upon line;” —THIS IS STUDYING TO BE APPROVED OF GOD OF THE BIBLE! “here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” —THIS IS AS RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE BIBLE! Keep the KJ Bible before your eyes! —LOOK TO IT! Keep your KJ Bible before your nose! —READ IT! Keep the KJ Bible in your mind! —STUDY IT! Keep the KJ Bible in your heart. —DIVIDE IT! To do anything short of these four things is not . . . WALKING AFTER THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH! How do you build a good house? You look to find a good tree, you read the quality of the wood, you study how to cut the trunk and limbs the best way, and you divide the tree into sections and subsections to start the building process. You can’t built a good house without doing these four things first! To leave one step out makes you a fool in the end! Epilogue, As the Lord Jesus Christ is a stumbling block to the Jews. So the KJB is a stumbling block to the Laodicean Church. Jeremiah 6:21, Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people [Jews], and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbour [Gentiles] and his friend [Christians?!?] shall perish. —Brackets mine Photography by Craig S. Luchin, for your own pleasure, not for public profit.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 07:02:55 +0000

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