丹真絨布仁波切答疑系列:(一) Question & Answer - TopicsExpress


丹真絨布仁波切答疑系列:(一) Question & Answer Series: Section One 9.弟子之父親已超度成功, 但之前又夢見他, 這是什麼因緣呢?弟子想一起超度祖先及祖父, 外婆, 還有表叔, 這樣一起超度可以嗎? Q 9: My dead father has been successfully transferred by the guru, but I saw him again in my dream recently. What reason made him to come to me again? I also want to request the guru to practice transference for my ancestors such as my past grandfather, grandmother and uncle, is my request right and feasible? 答:(1)其實不單是現世的父親,無量世以來我們有無數的冤親債主,只是他們顯現為現世的親人。我媽媽很早就去世了,我的上師說她早就去淨土了,我自己也感覺到,但我還是會經常夢見她。有時有人拿了些錢財過來讓超度某人,如果當天做完功課我忘記回向給那位亡者了,晚上我就會夢見我媽媽的。 (2)當然可以啊。 A: In fact, not only the father in this life, but also innumerable past enemies and creditors for many lives, will take form as our present parents in our dreams. My guru confirmed to me about the successful transference of my mother who died years ago to the Pureland, which I can also feel by myself, but I still can see her often in my dreams. When I forget to dedicate the merit of my practice to the dead whose relatives have taken some money to me for practicing transference for him, I will dream about my mother later at night. 10. 弟子有一心事,祈請丹真絨布上師加持,弟子于去年夏天陸陸續續在睡醒時看到虛空有物體,有時候是煙霧狀,有時候是花型,有時候是人形,半夜和下午都會看到,甚至在弟子母親家都看到過,很是苦惱!後於3月在師兄諾布紮西的關心下,他給上師打了電話,之後2個月弟子就沒再看到了,但是於昨半夜又看到一出家人形象,在弟子床前,透明發亮,弟子很害怕,祈請大恩上師加持並開示,弟子索南拉姆是否是被冤親債主纏身還是別的事,弟子很害怕!頂禮!願丹真絨布上師身體健康,長久住世,常轉法輪,有緣來蕪湖市講法!喇嘛欽! Q 10: I pray to Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche for great blessing, as I have gotten so bewildered by my experience. Last summer, I often saw some substance in the air after I woke up, usually in the afternoon and mid-night, sometimes in a shape of flower, sometimes as smoke, sometimes in a form of human body. Even worse, I could see it in my mother’s home. I felt so distressed that I called You in March, so I had never seen it again within the following two months. However, I saw a thing in the form of monk standing at my bed in the midnight yesterday, who was so bring and transparent to make me terribly scared. I pray for Your blessing and also explanation about my fear that whether I am haunted by my past enemies and creditors or by other things. With utter panic in my mind, I sincerely bow at your feet! May You stay healthy with us forever, constantly turning the Dharma Wheel. I also hope you could grant us instruction here at Wuhu City. Lama Chen! 答: 多祈禱上師,多祈禱蓮師。 A: Pray to your guru as frequently as possible, and pray to Padmasambhava with greatest efforts.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:07:26 +0000

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