司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning - TopicsExpress


司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning 十月二十二日 經文: 「我……甘心愛他們。」(何西阿書十四:4) 能了解這經文意思的可說是解經家,但能真正領悟這深意的,才是真以色列人。「我甘心愛他們」是整個救贖信息濃縮的精華,尤其「甘心」這字眼,恰到好處地點出上帝自發性地、自然而然流露的大愛,恩澤遍及那不可愛、不配的罪人。「人算什麼,祢意顧念他?世人算什麼,祢竟眷顧他。」(詩八:4)上帝為什麼這樣做?惟一的答案,就是祂甘心這麼做。 我們會抱怨,「主啊!我的心是何等堅硬,我不覺得我需要耶穌,我的心土也不夠柔軟,我不覺得我渴慕耶穌。」但上帝不看這些,祂救恩的約是建立在耶穌身上,耶穌說:「上帝愛世人,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的,不至滅亡,反得永生。」(約三:16)所以,無論你是怎樣卑微不配的人,只要肯來到祂面前,求告耶穌的名,上帝都接納,不要你花費一毛錢。 「我甘心愛你們!」,這話是要呼喚那冷淡退後的人,快回到耶穌懷抱。「我必醫治他們背道的病;甘心愛他們。」(何十四:4)那遠離救主,在外游蕩的浪子,你聽到上帝這樣柔聲的呼喚,難道心房不會被打動?來吧!趕快回來尋找你天父的慈顏,祂永遠張開手臂等待著你! Morning, October 22 Scripture: “I will love them freely.”(Hosea 14:4) This sentence is a body of divinity in miniature. He who understands its meaning is a theologian, and he who can dive into its fulness is a true master in Israel. It is a condensation of the glorious message of salvation which was delivered to us in Christ Jesus our Redeemer. The sense hinges upon the word “freely.” This is the glorious, the suitable, the divine way by which love streams from heaven to earth, a spontaneous love flowing forth to those who neither deserved it, purchased it, nor sought after it. It is, indeed, the only way in which God can love such as we are. The text is a death-blow to all sorts of fitness: “I will love them freely.” Now, if there were any fitness necessary in us, then he would not love us freely, at least, this would be a mitigation and a drawback to the freeness of it. But it stands, “I will love you freely.” We complain, “Lord, my heart is so hard.” “I will love you freely.” “But I do not feel my need of Christ as I could wish.” “I will not love you because you feel your need; I will love you freely.” “But I do not feel that softening of spirit which I could desire.” Remember, the softening of spirit is not a condition, for there are no conditions; the covenant of grace has no conditionality whatever; so that we without any fitness may venture upon the promise of God which was made to us in Christ Jesus, when he said, “He that believeth on him is not condemned.” It is blessed to know that the grace of God is free to us at all times, without preparation, without fitness, without money, and without price! “I will love them freely.” These words invite backsliders to return: indeed, the text was specially written for such—“I will heal their backsliding; I will love them freely.” Backslider! surely the generosity of the promise will at once break your heart, and you will return, and seek your injured Fathers face. glorypress/devotional/FaithAndLifeOneYearBook.asp?bid=4&rdate=10/22
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:37:59 +0000

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