'Mission of Islam in its complete form is to expand this Dar - TopicsExpress


'Mission of Islam in its complete form is to expand this Dar al-Islam in order to spread Islamic governance to all over the world even by resort to the military force, though there is no compulsion in the religion. A lot of contemporary Muslim apologists are trying to show that Islam denies the use of force except for self-defense, reacting to the slander against Islam from the West like “Sward in the right hand and Coran in the left”. The refutation is justifiable, if it means that Islam forces nobody to convert to Islam by compulsion. However, if it means that Islam does not accept the use of military force to realize its cause at all, it contradicts clearly the Shari‘ah’s teaching as well as the historical facts. Islam rejects forcing conversion to Islam by means of threat by physical violence but does not reject the use of military power in order to realize its cause and spread its governance to all over the world, rather Islam consider the fight for the sake of spread its governance as its obligatory mission. Islam loves peace and is not fond of unnecessary violence. However, Islam is not unconditional absolute pacifism. Rather, Islam teaches that the believers should practice commanding good deeds and prohibiting evil (Amr bi-Ma‘ruf Nahy ‘an Munkar) according to their power, respectively. The ruler, as the holder of the greatest power, is especially burdened with the obligation to uphold the “statutory penalties (Hudud)”, to wage war (Jihad), and sometimes even to resort to violence for the sake of peace, security, and justice for the Islamic society. While the process of enhancing the faith of individuals and society is a quantitative incremental change which progresses gradually, political power is realized through qualitative alteration from nothing into existence. Political power is the sole legitimate power which can lawfully employ violence to physically eliminate the enemy who insists on opposing it to the last. When such power is materialized, a political unity is generated which carries out war against enemies outside its borders and punishes offenders of the law within. We said before that true Islamic “statutory penalties” cannot be enforced in the framework of the “territorial nation-state”. This is because the “statutory penalties” can only begin to be enforced when political power based on Islamic law has been generated, ie., the Caliphate has been reestablished. So, the revelations about the “statutory penalties” started after the Prophet Muhammad’s political power was established by the Hijrah to Madinah, and there was no punishment for those who disobeyed the instruction in the Maccan period before the Hijrah.' Source: The deconstruction of Sunnite Theory of Caliphate Spreading the Rule of Law on the Earth, Hassan Ko Nakata
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:48:57 +0000

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