5 MONTHS old. ONLY A KITTEN! UNMERCIFUL ACC have no hesitation - TopicsExpress


5 MONTHS old. ONLY A KITTEN! UNMERCIFUL ACC have no hesitation about killing this kitty *needs to be reserved/pulled right now - contact rescue now or ACC will murder this kitty in the am!! Please share ASAP for pledges, rescue, fosters/adopters. NYC ACC. GOLDEN GRAPE is a scared youngster with a healthy personality. Nevermind the ridiculous name, this boy is a rambunctious 5 month old who wants nothing to do with the ACC! No ear mites or fleas so GOLDEN GRAPE has possibly been abandoned. Poor guy, now has the ACC cold on top of things but what does that matter if theyre going to kill him tomorrow.... PLEASE, THIS LITTLE MAN DESERVES A CHANCE! OFFER TO FOSTER OR ADOPT. PLEDGE AND SHARE GENEROUSLY. https://facebook/PetsOnDeathRow/photos/a.576546742357162.1073741827.155925874419253/761313577213810/?type=1&relevant_count=1
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:24:13 +0000

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