50 Years From Now Grandchildren: Grandpa, tell us about the great - TopicsExpress


50 Years From Now Grandchildren: Grandpa, tell us about the great war you fought in?! Me: *looks up from Tumblr* Well kids, I fought in the Battle of Road Trip, it was the Beliebers vs the Supernaturals. Me: One of our great leaders, Jared Padalecki, codename The Moose, had fired some shots at the Beliebers leader, Justin Bieber, codename Doughebeibery. Grandchildren: *whispers* Oh here comes my favorite part... Me: On the fields of Tumblr, a deal was struck between the battling fandoms, the Beliebers would boycott Supernatural and try to bring the viewings down, if they had been successful we would have had to admit defeat.... *raises voice in warrior stance* BUT THEY UNDERESTIMATED THE BOND OF THE SUPERWHOLOCK ALLIES AND WE BANDED TOGETHER TO SEND RATINGS THROUGH THE ROOF! WE FOUND HELP IN OTHER FANDOMS AS WELL... Grandchildren: *nodding and taking notes* Me: The Avengers assembled and had our back! The Potterheads had their wands out and ready! The Whovians whipped out their Sonic Screwdrivers. The Sherlockians turned up with their riding cropss. The Merlinians stopped their emotional melting for a few moments to stand ready. AND WE BATTLED! Me: *brandishes sword* And we fought the Beliebers for views! AND WE WON THE BATTLE OF ROAD TRIP AND WE SENT THE BELIEBERS AWAY AND WE WOOOOOOONNNNN Me: *sits back down and continues Tumbling* but of course all this is accessible in the Tumblr Library of History that actually Restores Faith in Humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 21:16:56 +0000

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