7 questions about Islam answered [ A must read]. ISLAM IS THE - TopicsExpress


7 questions about Islam answered [ A must read]. ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF WORSHIP OF THE DAMNED / THE RULER OF THE DARKNESS/ THE DEVIL. Deciphering the Esoteric meanings of Islamic Symbols. (THIS IS A MESSAGE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE BOTH MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS ALIKE). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Non-Muslims have always asked some pertinent questions regarding Religion Islam. Some of the most common Questions are as follows – 1). What is Kaba ??? 2). Why is Kaba painted Black ??? Or Why is Kaba covered with Black Curtains ??? 3). What does Kaba represent/ Symbolizes??? 4). Why Muslims Bow Down before/ towards Kaba ??? 5). What is Crescent Moon ??? What does it symbolizes ??? 6). Why Mosques (Muslim prayer house) are decorated with Crescent Moon on its Top ??? 7). Why Muslims call themselves SLAVES and not the servants of God ??? To these questions, many Muslims have responded with many different answers none of which are satisfactory. Today, I would like to present here the “ESOTERIC” meanings of these Islamic symbols. Esoteric means, “Deep/Hidden/ Secret/ Private/ Mystical/ Occult/ Kabbalistic/ Cryptic …. the meanings of which are rarely understood by common people and in many cases the meanings are twisted and or hidden from public understanding. Anyway, the answers of the above questions are as follows: Q. No. 1). What is Kaba ??? Ans. Kaba is a square shaped cubical one storied building in Mecca, S. Arabia. It has a single Door with no windows and other exit openings. The cubical building is probably single roomed. And what is inside it is not known. Many Muslims say it is empty from inside. The Kaba is always covered with Black curtains (see picture). 2). Why is Kaba painted Black ??? Or Why is Kaba covered with Black Curtains ??? Ans. Kaba is always covered with thick Black Curtains from top to bottom occasionally with Arabic verses of the Quran written in it. The COLOR BLACK has always been esoterically associated with the Darkness, the underworld, the Night. In Western classical stories the blood sucking Vampires and the Draculas roamed the Streets during the nights under the cloud of Darkness. Darkness is where the Devils dwell. Therefore, the Black Curtains of Kaba symbolizes the Cloud of Darkness, i.e. the underworld where the Devils dwell. 3). What does Kaba represent and/Or Symbolizes??? Ans. As narrated above, the Kaba is a square shaped cubical one storied building with a single Door and no windows and other exit openings which is always covered with Black curtains around it esoterically symbolizes the confinement Chamber or a cell i.e. the Jail. The Black Color of the Covering Curtains symbolizes the Darkness. Therefore, the Kaba, with a single door and no windows and other openings, always covered with Black Curtains from all the four sides esoterically symbolizes the Eternal Confinement Chamber in the Dark. That is, it represents a place of Damnation. And guess, who is damned ??? The Lucifer … The Devil…. Many Muslims say Kaba is empty from inside. But do you know why it is empty from Inside ??? Because Lucifer is a Spirit. He does not have physical body and therefore he cannot be seen and touched. Nevertheless, He is there and resides in there. The Lucifer/ the Devil has no place in Heaven and he is very much on Earth and the Kaba is his dwelling place. 4). Why Muslims Bow Down before/ towards Kaba ??? Ans: All Muslims bow down towards Kaba during prayers. And the people during Hajj bow down before it. BOWING DOWN IS A SIGN OF SERVITUDE/ Slavery / submission/ being under control/ being owned and indebted. And as a matter of fact, by Muslims’ own claim, Islam means “Submission”. And to whom they submit ??? They actually submit to the Devil. The Muslims even proudly claim, they are the slaves of Allah i.e. they are owned by the Devil. So, Why Muslims Bow Down before/ towards Kaba ??? They bow down towards Kaba in submission to the Devil, the ruler of the Dark, whose Spirit is confined inside that Cube with no exit Door. 5). What is Crescent Moon ??? What does it symbolizes ??? Ans: Moon looks the most beautiful during the nights. She has charmed the human mind for thousands of human civilization. Hundreds of poets and writers have penned glory of her beauty. But in reality her Charm and Beauty is a lie. She is a mere little dusty planet having no light of her own. Her Beauty is fake and thus an illusion. She deceives the mankind by showing off her fake beauty with the help of reflected light of the Sun. Without the light of the Sun She is nothing. And how long is she deceiving the mankind ??? Ever since the creation of this world and the mankind….. And how long is Lucifer, the Devil deceiving the mankind ??? Ever since the creation of this world and the mankind (Remember how the Devil deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden)….. Now, regarding the Crescent Moon. The Crescent Moon Or the New Moon symbolizes the birth and/or the beginning (a new). In other words, a Crescent Moon symbolizes the beginning of a new era. And since Moon herself symbolizes the Ruler of the Dark (Night) / the underworld …… A crescent Moon symbolizes the beginning of and/or birth of the Era of the Rule of the Dark (i.e. the Devil’s Rule). 6). Why Mosques (Muslim prayer house) are decorated with Crescent Moon on its Top ??? Ans: We all know the Mosques (Prayer House in Islam) are decorated with Crescent Moon on the top of its Dome or the Minarets. A Mosque is a prayer house Or a house of worship in Islam. And since the Crescent Moon i.e. the Ruler of the Dark stands on its Top, it represents the house of the Ruler of the Dark i.e. the Devil. And the Muslims pray inside it in submission to the Ruler of the Dark, the Devil. The Crescent on the top of every Mosques symbolizes the authority of the Ruler of the Dark i.e. the Devil over the people who are subject to that Mosques. 7). Why Muslims call themselves SLAVES and not the servants of God ??? Ans: It is a teaching in Islam that all Muslims are slaves of Allah including the prophet Muhammad himself. Muhammad’s own Father’s name was Abdallah (Abd Allah) which means Slave of Allah. This suggests that the Devil had long before the arrival of religion Islam been deceiving the people by impersonating as God. The Slaves have no any legal rights. They are owned by their Masters. They do not get wages. They cannot flee, they cannot resign, they cannot complain. And their master can behave and treat them in any manner as he likes. However, though Servants are also owned, they get wages according to their work, they can resign and they can complain to their masters. Unlike Slaves, the servants have freedom to serve or not to serve their master. So, why Muslims are Slaves to their God and not Servants ??? Because they worship the Devil and not God. The Devil do not love man because he(man) is the best creation of God. And the Devil being the adversary of God despise his best creation (man). The Devil wants to enslave man and take revenge on God for driving him out of Heaven and damnation for eternity. The Truth is that, the man (the best creation of God) submitting himself to the Devil and calling himself as the Slave of the Devil is the greatest Blasphemy against the creator God. The Merciful God did not create us as slaves and neither to offer ourselves as slaves to the Devil. We were created to love and to be loved but neither to enslave nor to be enslaved. Allah is the Devil impersonating as God who is here to enslave our mind, our body, our soul and the spirit. The Creator God loves us and calling us to come out from the grip of the Devil. Revelatio - 18:4, “ And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues”.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 10:55:21 +0000

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