A verse I pray for myself and each of you is a favorite found in - TopicsExpress


A verse I pray for myself and each of you is a favorite found in Daniel 11:32. “. . .the people who know their God will display strength and take action.” This is an incredible motivation to “know” God, not just “know about” Him. The setting is a prophetic declaration when a deceiver will come to defile the Temple and deceive Israel against God with “smooth words.” But Daniel prophecies that there will arise a “people who know their God” and they will act courageously against the strategy of the enemy. I believe we are that generation of people. When we know God, smooth words aren’t effective. As His sheep, we know His voice and that of another we will not follow. In addition to a heightened level of discernment, people who know God take decisive acts because they release the strength of God within them. Keep in mind this describes those in a counter culture to the Kingdom of God, similar to the culture we now reside in. How do we come to “know God?” By spending time with Him: in His word, in prayer, hanging out with His kids, discovering His heart are some of the ways we come to know Him. Basically it’s through developing a personal relationship with God and continuing to cultivate that relationship. Daniel could have been writing about himself. I pray that can be written about each of us; “people who know their God will display strength and take action.” -- Gary Hines
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:57:52 +0000

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