ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL IS THE WAY TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM The mistake most people make is associating financial independence with great wealth. The fact is that you could have billions and be totally enslaved by your financial responsibilities. Many wealthy people are constantly in fear of becoming destitute. This is partly because of the way they invest and manage their money. But it is primarily because of the way they think and feel about themselves and their money. On the other hand a person can have no income but social security and have only modest savings but feel a great sense of independence, especially when they own their own home debt free and have no other debts of any kind. If you have all the money you need to meet all of your necessary expenses, if you know how and remain firmly committed to avoiding any other unwanted financial obligations, and if you have more than enough funds to do the things you really value in life, why shouldnt you feel a sense of freedom financially speaking no matter the absolute level of your resources? Yes YOU can and there is no reason not to do so. THE POWER OF LEVERAGE Leveraged income can be defined as the income derived from the efforts of others. Unfortunately the majority of people in the world today earn a linear income, which basically means that they trade their time for money and unfortunately no matter how clever they are or how high their hourly rate, they are still restricted to only 24 hours in a day and therefore a limited earning potential. Leverage on the other hand, allows you to use the time and efforts of others to create an income. By learning to leverage your time, you can financially benefit not only from your own efforts, but from other peoples efforts as well. I would rather earn 1% of 100 peoples efforts than 100% of my own efforts. John Paul Getty (American Billionaire) Leverage is the ability to control a lot with just a little. It gives you the ability to utilize more than just you. Through leverage, you can effect change much more rapidly. Leverage equals speed, or velocity. The more leverage you have, the faster your journey to wealth. The secret is to think creatively—if you’re doing things consistently that are taking up your time and are not fulfilling, then it’s time to break that pattern and come up with alternatives! Remember, there’s always a way if you’re committed.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:44:09 +0000

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