About 7,000 people on Cottosloe beach this morning to express - TopicsExpress


About 7,000 people on Cottosloe beach this morning to express opposition to the lunacy of the shark cull. 3,000 more than last week! Good speeches. Some very emotional, especially from those that spend alot of time IN THE WATER with these beautiful creatures. I think the messages that can reach the people that dont necessarily have empathy towards the sharks themselves are these: 1. This is a serious disruption to the ecosystem of the ocean. The effects of indiscriminate culling of untargeted species of sharks will have serious repercussions. They WILL defend themselves. Even things like dropping the baited lines within the 1km required minimum distance will cause young sharks to be caught with their parents defending them....CLOSE TO WHERE US HUMANS generally enjoy the water. IDIOTIC. Never mind the residual effects it will have on other species in the water that we rely on for...well...food, perhaps??? 2. When 80% of the population opposes a government initiative in a democratic nation, government action should respect the wishes of the people. MAJORITY RULES. Thats the system I thought we lived in. This is not just an environmental issue...so for those of you who dont understand our inherent connectivity to all that lives and breathes...perhaps you will take a moment to consider how lucky we are to live in a democracy and reflect a moment on the millions around the world who HAVE NO VOICE. Thats my little rant for now. Time to sew some tablecloths :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1607083_10153772533840375_468282561_n.jpg
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 06:25:07 +0000

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