About the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23rd, 2014 A - TopicsExpress


About the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23rd, 2014 A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 23rd at 5:58 PM EST at 0 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio. Its effects can be felt up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse. In the sign of Scorpio, matters related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong focus on a personal level. This eclipse is about new beginnings regarding all of these matters. Occurring in Scorpio, this eclipse is about strengthening ourselves from the inside out. We can feel extremes of emotion as our fears of loss, betrayal, or the exposure of our vulnerabilities are uncovered. This eclipse will illuminate our emotional and financial investments, and possibly challenge them. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us and that take away our power, such as compulsive behaviors, addictions, or substantial debts. We might work on learning about intimacy, not only with others but also with ourselves. Circumstances may be such that we are pushed to see others values and to consider them rather than expect that they share the same perspective as us. Circumstances may be such that we are forced to take steps towards managing and handling our shared resources with others, our debts, or taxes more effectively. An intimate partnership may be left behind, or a source of money might end, and either of these situations pushes us to learn to depend on ourselves and to recognize that we dont necessarily need these things to survive. Ultimately, we are now in a position to understand that changes or endings are necessary for our own growth, and that we can handle these things. This is a good time for focusing on some of the constructive traits of the sign of the Scorpion--passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep, and perceptive--and consider how to positively incorporate these qualities into our lives. Scorpio New Moons are generally good for working on our self-mastery skills. We may want to pinpoint the things in our lives that make us feel out of control, such as addictions and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of these emotional burdens. We can explore what is missing in our lives that leads us to engage in these self-destructive behaviors. This eclipse conjuncts Venus, emphasizing and reinforcing the challenge to our value system. We could find that people are more cooperative in our quest, and close personal relationships are deeply involved. There can be situations in which we feel pressured to bring more harmony to our relationships. With the eclipse occurring while Mercury is retrograde and close to Mercurys direct station, we should be especially aware of the potential for foggy, wishful thinking. Intuition is heightened, but the details of our plans now may be hidden, overlooked, or unclear. We may need to look back before moving forward. With this eclipse, we might experience a strong urge to act on impulse. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others feelings and reactions. There is a big difference between asserting ourselves from a place of healthy confidence, and asserting ourselves brashly and blindly, designed to give us a false sense of confidence or bravery. With this potent Scorpio energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle. For some of us, circumstances are such that we need to pay more attention to these matters. Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. Although the new may be unrecognizable, it is important to allow the necessary surrender to the unknown. An eclipse occurs close to the nodal axis, and this eclipse is closer to the North Node of the Moon. Eclipses close to the North Node tend to feel a little easier than those conjuncting or closer to the South Node, as there is a sense of moving forward instead of concentration on having to let go of something. We feel more in charge. Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Scorpio in our charts are likely to occur over the course of the next 3-6 months. This is the final eclipse in a series falling along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Even though we are starting fresh, were also cleaning up. Not everyone will feel the effect of the eclipse with the same intensity. Those whose personal planets are activated by the degree of the eclipse will most feel its effects on a personal level. This phase of the Moon occurs at 0 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio, affecting people born with personal planets and points at 0 to 5 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and 25 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly. The chart of this eclipse is above. Solar eclipses occurred at approximately the same degree as this October 2014 eclipse on October 23, 1976 and October 24, 1995. It might help to think back to these periods and consider the themes that surrounded your life then in order to get a better understanding of what the current eclipse series might mean for you. The last time we had a set of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses was 2002-2003.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:42:59 +0000

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