All governments owe their existence to the people of the community - TopicsExpress


All governments owe their existence to the people of the community that those governments serve, and governments exist to secure and protect the rights of the people and those communities. Any system of government that becomes destructive of those ends is not legitimate, lawful, or constitutional. All too often, Coos County has been the victim of no doubt well meaning but nonetheless damaging legislation. Salem, for example, created special assessments and did away with the severance tax imposed on large tract timber properties. Unfortunately, 66% of the county’s taxable land base qualifies for these property tax benefits thereby significantly reducing needed funding for mandatory public services like road maintenance and sheriff’s patrols. The National Defense Authorization Act includes clauses that arguably violate the civil liberties of average American citizens and would use our own law enforcement to boot.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:30:10 +0000

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