Alright, guys. Im gonna go ahead and break away from the usual - TopicsExpress


Alright, guys. Im gonna go ahead and break away from the usual posting about Jonathan for a moment. This is a serious thing. So, Ive heard various accounts of people, mainly women, who have been raped. This is a serious issue, considering that I, myself am a woman, and am just as susceptible to rape as any other. A lot of cases of women being raped is due to the fact that the women do not know how to defend themselves. Its a scary thing, having a man on top of you, and not knowing how to get away... As you all should know, I care about everyone, and I want all my fellow ladies to be safe. So, I was browsing Tumblr when this video popped up. I hope it will provide some useful knowledge. Please, take a look... And if you can, share this. -ARIStocrat
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:41:40 +0000

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