And now, I can officially say goodbye to my 4th year at Sup De Co. - TopicsExpress


And now, I can officially say goodbye to my 4th year at Sup De Co. It was the hardest year in my life, since I had to deal with many things at once and since my body let me down while I was on the edge. But I learnt in the hard way that you can do nothing without a good health and that you cant face your problems by your own. Youll always need a hand to hold you, and a shoulder to cry on. And at these kind of moments, you realize who matters in your life and who doesnt. You realize the good people in your life, that help you, support you, and make you feel better even if a smile can hurt your face.. Thank you my dears, I know thanks to you that friendship exists, that family is sacred and that I can always rely on you. Vous allez vous reconnaitre mes chers. Merci et desolée pour tout. Et un spécial merci pour mon cher Groupe 6 et tous ces profs qui mont traité comme leur propre enfant. And yes jai bien tout validé. Hamdulillah.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:10:47 +0000

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