And the Teacher Spoke... Maybe {we should make} a movie called The - TopicsExpress


And the Teacher Spoke... Maybe {we should make} a movie called The American Muslim, and treat such a creation {with dignity} and respect... After all, when was the last time you saw a Movie or TV Show that made {as much fun} of JEWS as Jerry Lewis? His antics and Jewish overkill {were rife} for the market, yet these days {we dont see} any such humiliations for the Jews? Think of South Park, and how that show makes so much fun of JESUS!!! What in the world? And all those {other shows and movies} that make fun of the Christians belief system? Are we not a nation of FREE SPEACH? So, let us pick on the Jews {for a while} and show how American Sniper is all about the Takfiri Jews, and what {they have in store} for the USA since their attacks of 911... Why, I had forgotten all about Terrorist Attacks by Jewish Extremists! They are even more than Muslims and Christians!!! What in the world? These facts {are never told} to the people of the USA, we are {only told} how stupid Christians are, and how evil Muslims are, but {not a peep} about how the Jews own Hollywood, and the Majority Share in the 1% of {all controlling companies} around the world... Now, we are {just a people} who believe in people, so we have no faith, no souls, and no religions, we just know {we will be born} into the future, so what happens {in this life matters} as it will affect our future births! This is something {we do not want to fool around with} because in our future life {we do not know} if we will be born Jewish, Christian, or Muslims? Maybe a little of both {if are parents are} of mixed religious marriages... That all said, I have heard that Red Necks {have been picking} on the Muslims in America {since the release} of the Sniper Movie, I think it would be {a good idea} for those Muslims to ask those boys picking on them {if they are} JEWS!!! They might stop them, and get them a little more anger, and say: NO!!! I am a Christian, and then you can say, well, we are not JEWS Either!!! In that way {they might stop all harassments} and look at you stupidly, and ask, so what? And you should say {because Jews are a Religion} that does not believe in Jesus... I leave it {to you} to defend yourselves, but {let it be known} those who follow my teachings do not practice HATE {on any person} or religion... Buddah~
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:14:35 +0000

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