Applicable Reading: Luke 1:39-56. What pressed Mary to go on - TopicsExpress


Applicable Reading: Luke 1:39-56. What pressed Mary to go on her dangerous expedition not only alone, but also “in haste?” An irresistible force was acting within her: the presence of the Holy Spirit filled her since the moment of the Annunciation. This same Holy Spirit filled the heart of Elizabeth at Mary’s greeting and moved the infant John within her womb. What is the first fruit of the fullness of the Holy Spirit? Joy. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in his discourse to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in February 2005, commented on the relationship of joy to the truth who is Christ himself: “Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of truth, attracts to himself the heart of every man, dilates it, and fills it with joy. Only the truth is capable of invading the mind and making it fully joyful. This joy expands the dimensions of the human spirit, raising it from the anxieties of egoism, making it capable of authentic love.”
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 03:32:20 +0000

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