April is a portal for profound transformation. Change can be as - TopicsExpress


April is a portal for profound transformation. Change can be as simple as putting on a new outfit; transformation is a complete makeover; a re-birth of sorts. The question we are being compelled to ask now, individually and collectively, is where are our lives and our world so far out of balance that profound transformation is needed? That question can be easily answered because we can see examples of that everywhere. From governments that engage in illegal and secret activities against their own citizens, to banks that destroy economies, media that doesn’t report the news, corporations that write laws for their own benefit, a poisoned and toxic food supply, the strong that prey on the weak, and greed that blinds humanity to the simple truths of compassion, trust, and love. We have allowed it all to happen in the belief that it was being done for our benefit and that we would be taken care of. Now that we have woken up, we want to take our power back but that comes at a cost; we have to choose between convenience or empowerment. The convenience lobby believes that a life of grace and ease is available only if we give our power away. But it doesn’t happen that way. The empowerment lobby believes that empowerment requires us to work hard, struggle, take charge and give up the ease and grace, but that is also not true. So what is true? We can have both, (have our cake and eat it too). Empowerment, grace and ease, peace on earth, love for each other, connection, collaboration, and compassion can be ours if we embrace our power and become masters of our own energy. To embrace the transformation that April provides, we must show a willingness to be in our power by embracing, and not resisting change and transformation. We must get clear on what doesn’t serve our intention for our life or our desire for joy, and be willing to let it all go without knowing what will replace it. We must have faith that we will manifest what serves our highest intentions and joy. This requires surrender, which doesn’t mean to give up, it means to stop fighting. We aren’t defeated when we surrender, we are the victor because the only person we can fight is ourselves and no victory is possible there. (All our fights are actually with our own selves.) The winds of change are howling now and we have been pushed to the edge of the cliff. Whether we fall over in a bruised, battered, painful mess or spread our wings and soar to new heights is up to us. In fact, we have never been in a better position to create profound, powerful, lasting transformation in our lives, and in the world, than we are right now. The question is, do we have the courage to open the door and allow all of our old power structures to exit, knowing that they will be replaced with something new and wonderful? Do we buy a new hat to go with our old outfits or do we get a total makeover? Out with the old, in with the new is the theme for this month. Every day in the month of April we are going to be faced with the choice to transform and we can either respond with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. The yes will invite transformation gracefully, the ‘no’ will mean that we will still transform, but less gracefully and with resistance. What are you tired of, want no more of, have been wanting to change, have been hoping would change or, wish would be over? Look and want no more because you will find your answers in April. To best manage the energy of this powerful month, be authentically in your mastery, clear in your intention, empowered by the vision you want for your life and for the world, and take it one step at a time. Life happens from one breath to the next and that’s as fast as we can go. And if you don’t feel that any of this applies to you, don’t get too comfy because the flip side of this energy happens in October 2014. It is a powerful month, full of potential to create anything you want. Energy responds to our will, it is totally non-judgmental and doesn’t care how we use it, or what we use it for. Use it powerfully and have a wonderful month.......................Jennifer Hoffman
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 03:06:26 +0000

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