Before anyone dares to not care while wearing friend like - TopicsExpress


Before anyone dares to not care while wearing friend like clothing, may it be known that many have come along in friend like clothing only to reveal the truth of their deceptions! Not one understands fully the height and the depth of care unless they themselves are in the same situation. Those who choose to deceive and take advantage of others paths have been revealed, and true integrity and true compassion and true care are only ever worn by the worthy, the called! So before anyone dares to raise a hand to neglect or forsake or batter, may they first realize that Jesus is risen and care is truly within us all! I believe it is our duty to not forsake or wrongfully shame because kindness is the right thing to do. Recognize that God created us all to give a hoot and to lend a hand as if it is his hands doing the lending. So before you dare to attempt to destroy his goodness, realize that is exactly who you are betraying when you refuse to care or when you dare to slander or even try to dismember! Brothers and sisters beware and recognize, because not all signs speak the truth outright. Remember that Jesus was born in a manger, livestock around and all, or even to some was born under a tree not so very properly! May the Lord be with all of us who love him in truth! #Amen and #Ameen Bless those who took the time to make this video so that people may see the truth and understand why we are even here to begin with. To help one another, not to destroy but to nurture. Shame on those who resist and war against the Creator of love in truth, and may God heal our hearts and provide the ability to unite our hearts in order to heal the broken and the sick among us! Understanding is priceless! Amen! Be ye therefore kind! #EK
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:42:37 +0000

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