By Shawn Ashley Lopez to resign cabinet post The Oklahoma City - TopicsExpress


By Shawn Ashley Lopez to resign cabinet post The Oklahoma City School Board voted unanimously Monday to appoint Secretary of Commerce David Lopez as the school district’s interim superintendent. The move comes nearly one week after the State Board of Education approved a one-year waiver of the superintendent certification requirements for the district while it searches for a permanent leader. Lopez will replace Karl Stringer, whose last day with the district is Friday. That same day, Lopez will resign as Fallin’s commerce secretary. Lopez resigned as director of the Department of Commerce last year but retained his secretary post as a member of Fallin’s cabinet. Fallin applauded the board’s decision. “Dave Lopez is a successful businessman who understands the skills our children need to succeed in the workforce,” Fallin said in a press release. “He’s also a proven and capable leader who understands how to manage a budget and a large number of people. “While I am sad to see Dave leave his cabinet post, his appointment as interim superintendent is great news for Oklahoma’s school children. They will be well-served by his focus and his unwavering belief that the key to long term economic prosperity is a good education and high quality public schools. Whoever succeeds Dave can do so in the knowledge that Oklahoma City’s schools have been left in capable and caring hands.”
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:03:38 +0000

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