CALLING ALL MOON LOVERS AND INTENTION SETTERS: Hear ye, hear ye - Theres an equinox among us and as much as I try to deny it, Im becoming more convinced that moon energy is quite powerful. According to my brief research tonights moon seems to be all about RELEASING and BURNING off that which isnt aligned with your highest self, old patterns, old ways - making room for even more of your greatness to arise. Ahh, yes please. So how can we be intentional tonight? Simply sink in and ask yourself whats no longer jiving with your vibe. For those whove been in the FIRE this year, this equinox might not be as intense but take a moment to search for those last remaining embers wanting to be swept away. For me, I feel called to LET GO of manufacturing problems when things are good. I choose to trust ease. And I feel called to BURN through my habit of over-analyzing. I choose to trust the little things I feel in my body and just keep playing and see where it goes. Umm and if youre still pussy-footin around check out this insane poem for a smack down, I think if this weeks moon could speak, she/he might say “If you prefer smoke over fire then get up now and leave. For I do not intend to perfume your mind’s clothing with more sooty knowledge. No, I have something else in mind. Today I hold a flame in my left hand and a sword in my right. There will be no damage control today. For God is in a mood to plunder your riches and fling you nakedly into such breathtaking poverty that all that will be left of you will be a tendency to shine. So don’t just sit around this flame choking on your mind. For this is no campfire song to mindlessly mantra yourself to sleep with. Jump now into the space between thoughts and exit this dream before I burn the damn place down.” ~ Adyashanti So here s to us, to BURNing through all Un-LOVE and arriving at the most true, powerful and pure LOVE versions of ourselves. And heres to the truth that we are absolutely PERFECT as we are right now, old patterns and all. Here here! i love you, Mary C
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:29:05 +0000

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