CAN ONE PERSON CHANGE THE WORLD? CAN YOU CHANGE THE WORLD?......maybe if we are like matches.... One lit match is all it takes to burn down a forest. No matter where that match is lit. In this day and AGE where we are all connected more than ever WORLD WIDE with the internet and computer technology it should be easy easier for One person on fire (inspired) to spark something that spreads to other people (matches). So be the match burn with passion innovation. Be a match catch fire set the world a blaze with innovation and better leaders. Our world/ society only becomes worse and the people more miserable in it if we do not start spreading hope that things will change that things will get better in the society. (reform)Especially Spread 5 concepts (Social reforms). WE ARE ALL BORN NAKED KICKING AND SCREAMING INTO THIS WORLD THEN FORCED TO LIVE and DIE WITH EACH OTHER in a box called SOCIETY! THOSE Who do not understand Society become its undoing . TOO many citizens that have lost their way and are breed more ignorant citizens that do the same. Its just a matter of time before we become complete savages no better than animals/insects. And we wonder why our leaders do nothing and why citizens vote for such terrible leaders over and over again. Regardless of how bad things have gotten in society There are 5 easy ways quick fix and social understanding to make it better begin to fix the problems, ease the pain of the slow process of waiting to die in a boring PRIMATIVE society. 1. Malsows Law normal social needs a job (trained service) that provides each citizen the finacial means to have housing, transportation, communication, medical, dental, 401k retirement and a college or Tades path to self actualization (promotion in social job status) 2. M.B.T.I TEST It would take years of therapy to find out why each person acts or behaves the way they do. Personality test make it much simpler and prevent personality clash constantly happening in the work place. and worse Military/Government. 3. Relationship Training =just as important as driver training so you do not wreck your relationship like your car. Prevent bad relationships before they begin and the birth of innocent children born into a world/ society and parents not ready for them. 4. TEACH Meta cognition MEMORY/ learn about individual brain development (neuroscience). Focus on each persons natural talents how the world could benefit from them NOT just blind academics. 5. Require Career training: prevent unemployment before it can begin. All careers should have a pyramid not a plateau. If society and it citizens could focus on these 5 simple social concepts it would go a long way to keep society stable less boring. Social ignorance can spread like wild fire. We need to start spreading SOCIOLOGYsocial understanding with as much ferocity and savagery that is caused by ignorance.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:10:21 +0000

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