CHRIST JESUS or the POPE WHO DO YOU TRUST? I see on the - TopicsExpress


CHRIST JESUS or the POPE WHO DO YOU TRUST? I see on the News and on the Christian Internet News how all these popular main line church & mega-church pastors are praising this Roman Catholic Pope as if hes a man of God. This just goes to show you and proves Gods Word is true when it says these so-called men of God are wolves in sheeps clothing. They Deny the Word and Power of God because there is NO Light in them. Their god is their Own Flesh, they flatter the Flock and Speak Lies in Hypocrisy in order to make Money off of the Faithful of God. Even though they might once in awhile speak truth, their own hearts Deny what they say and their works Prove they are the children of the Wicked One. Pray for their Salvation But Dont Believe them. They will cause you to Err from the Faith to worship Money with their Satanic Prosperity Gospel which is Another Gospel NOT from Christ Jesus. They say they know God and believe on Jesus but they are honoring honoring a man from the Vatican, the pope, as if hes a man of God but who worships the god of this world also, pray for this mans salvation also, he is deceived. This pope Francis an all popes before him are deceived and are Pagan Sun-god Worshippers and Deceivers. Jesus calls these deceivers from the Synagogue of Satan. They force religious works on people and say unless you pray to Mary, dead saints, Do This Sacrament and Say this repetitious prayer, you cant go to heaven. They say you CANT go directly to God thru Christ alone for your petition because God and Jesus are upset at our sins SO you have to go thru Mary or some dead saint and theyll talk to God or Jesus for you. They dont want you to read Gods Word on your own because they know when you see the truth, theyll lose MONEY. They hold their man-made Book of rituals, rules and satanic dogmas above Gods Word JUST LIKE the Pharisees hold their Satanic Talmud above Gods Law. Same thing! Nonsense! It is All Ancient Babylonian Mother/Child Cultic Lies of Satan carried over by the Pharisees from Babylon and it infiltrated the Church of God. They were worshipping the pagan Mother/ Child deities centuries before Jesus or Mary were ever born. Their original names were Semiramis the mother and Horus her son. The Father was Nimrod the ruler of Babylon and was not only Semiramis husband, but her Son also. The Roman Empire went from Caesars to Popes, just a pagan religious version of a Caesar. They just gave their idol god statues Christian names to appease the religious masses and stop the Christians from causing uproars in the empire Diana became Mary and Jupiter became Peter. READ ABOUT IT! jesus-is-savior/False%20Religions/Roman%20Catholicism/catholicism_christian_or_pagan.htm In ancient Babylon they also blackmailed the people to tell them all their sins and secrets or they couldnt eat a wafer they told them was their Sun God. ( Confession?) Read about That in Gods Word will you. If you are believing them that you have to work for your salvation with a life of Penances, Eating a wafer, praying to some lady, dead people or giving them your cash for favors, well then, WELCOME TO THE RELIGIOUS MAFIA. You can do all those things for Fifty Six Lifetimes and STILL wind up Lost and thrown in the Lake of Fire, ALL BECAUSE You just did NOT Simply Receive Salvation by FAITH ALONE in what Christ Jesus has ALREADY DONE to save you. You can be upset or hate me if you like, but first READ GODS WORD, ask God to give you Wisdom to know and see the Truth in His Word. If Im lying, then you have the right to hate me and Ill have to answer to God at judgment. So take time and Search Gods Word First, because Your Eternity is at stake. Ok? But thats YOUR CHOICE. If youd Rather Believe Religious Deceivers who teach things NOT IN Gods Word because you Refuse to Read and Believe the Truth Yourself, then youll Find out at the Judgment Seat of Christ because you Refused to Receive the Gospel and the knowledge of the Truth of Gods Word. The simplicity of Gods Gospel of Grace thru Faith alone in Jesus Christ. ( THE GOSPEL ) Please, I understand, i know you truly may love God in your heart, but you Must come thru Jesus ALONE as Gods word says or youll let these Deceivers take you to Hell with them. They are only men and not gods or holy men. They are as the Pharisees who Trusted in their Traditions instead of Gods Word. Please Read your Bible or Study Online Today so you will know Truth from Error. May God open your hearts and minds to the truth of His Word and Faith in His Son Christ Jesus our Lord. Fred Sturgeon BibleStudyTools
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 18:52:39 +0000

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