Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents a summary of related literature and studies that have close learning with the present study. The researcher made readings on books, periodicals, journals and unpublished materials to provide bases and frames of reference in the conduct of the present study. Related Literature One of the essential activities of human race is communication. It is the transmission of thoughts, ideas and feelings with each other to establish good relationship to others, to acquire and to share information, to convince, to persuade and to communicate to various forms, his thoughts, his feelings. Therefore language is man’s potent tool for communication. Falca (2004:94), stated that from the early stages of dramatic art, choral reading or speech has been used to present ideas. At the foot of the hills in the open air amphitheater the scene of famous Greek strategies, it took root and become an important element of Greek drama and religious worship; she added that in recent years, choral speaking has come to be considered one of the most effective methods of improving one’s speech habits, appreciating poetry, producing social awareness and achieving group cooperation. Aquino (2202:2), added that spend most of their time in speaking. They engage in group discussion, make presentations, converse with people, and many more. They talk to people of different backgrounds, beliefs, attitudes and values; hence speech training is a must. The goal, therefore, is to become a furry, developed, thinking and persuasive human being. She stated that there are reasons for taking up a speech training course. These are to deliver quality presentations academically and in the job, to influence other people’s beliefs, ideas and values to life, to strengthen relationship with other people, and to establish credibility. According to Herrera ( 2000: 6 and 40), speaking is often the least developed skill in teaching the English language while drill exercise may help in the development of communicative competence, students need to participate in conversational situation both real and stimulated. In this connection he suggested methods that teacher can use English effectively. This would involve students practicing English in pairs or in small groups. The teacher directs carefully each activity and leaves enough room for creativity. The second method is situational activity with a topic, audience and purpose. Each situational activity must have a topic, purpose and audience. The time spent is very important. Then add a focus in a presentation and more creative dialogues and rewards. There are different ways of enhancing the speaking ability of students. Alcantara (2004:58), enumerated them as follows: reading aloud to test pronunciation, stress and intonation, delivering short talks on topics chosen from a list or based on pictures and photographs, conducting an interview role simulation, role playing with examiner and pupil each taking a part, role playing in typical situations and giving appropriate responses in a series of situations. Other ways are reciting verse, poems, declamations, speech choir, and participating actively in district areas and division level of contests. In this connection, the teacher is a key person inside the classroom. This is due to the fact that teaching is an organized, purposeful and deliberate effort designed to bring about certain specifically desirable ends in a learner. The teacher performs varied roles. As a manager, he is responsible for her class from start to the finish for the effective management. As a facilitator, he gives the chance to students to discuss things under her audience. He prepares guidelines which serves as the focus of discussion and activities. As a instructor, his main function is instruction. All the roles aforementioned are corollary to teaching. as a motivator, he encourages and motivates students to study well and behave properly in and outside the classroom an enormous tack like choral speaking. As a leader, he directs coaches, supports, and delegates depending on the needs of the situation. These roles are very important for a teacher to perform especially in teaching choral speaking or recitation. Alcantara (2004:22), explains further that in language teaching, the teacher serves as a model to the students. He produces the language correctly for the students to imitate. Each pronunciation lesson develops the student’s ability to hear sounds correctly. The procedure in listening to the sound, contrasting with another sound, and producing the sound contrasts in words is followed. In line with the aforementioned literature, this researcher applied the procedure to be followed in teaching choral speaking. She was guided by sound principles of authorities in education. First, she prepared a lesson plan to guide her in teaching. As stressed by Acero (2000:156-158), the planning for purposeful instruction involves a sequence of steps. It calls for decisions with respect to each of the tasks involved. If all these tasks are accomplished successfully, the prospects that students will master what has been taught are excellent. The first task, diagnosing student’s needs and abilities imparts to the teacher the necessity of discovering the needs, interests, and capabilities of his students. The second task, setting up of objectives and selecting content involves selecting appropriate learning materials suited to the needs and interests of the students. The third task is preparing the setting for learning and selecting instructional strategies. The fourth task is formalizing units and making lessons plans. This involves organizing information about individual students, objectives, materials, and techniques into a resource unit that can serve as reference to the teacher as he does his work from day to day. The fifth task is motivating students and guiding learning activities. This involves looking into ways by which students may develop interests and desire to learn. The sixth task relates to plans centering on measuring evaluating, grading the students performance and reporting on the progress of students and the seventh and final task is followed through which means putting up plans for follow-up lessons on materials that the students have learned. After planning the researcher, the researcher was concerned with Acero (2000:123) of teaching since she aims for an organized, orderly, systematic, well planned procedure of teaching her lesson. It consists of steps which are logically arranged aimed at achieving the specific aims of instruction, at enhancing greater teaching and maximizing learning output, and also strategy is the beginning is a monopoly of other disciplines like military science, politics, economics, and even psychology. She employed techniques which are implementation and that which actually takes place in a classroom. Acero defines (2000:131) the direct instruction or classroom teaching technique resembles most closely the lecture method. It is a combination of teacher’s exposition and follow-up discussion on the part of the students. In this technique, the teacher initially provides information which will be adopted, supported, and affirmed by the students. For this reason, the researcher employed these aspects in her actual teaching. In order to teach effectively, she conducted a research on the elements of poetry that she should consider in discussion and interpretation of the piece. She also sought the important information about choral speaking. The outcomes of her research work are hereby presented fully. According to Aquino (2002:13) in speaking you have to take note of pronunciation, enunciation, intonation and accentuation. Mastering these elements would make communication flow smoothly and pleasantly. It would also give way to better understanding among speakers. Moreover your voice plays a very important role in helping convey the meaning of language. Listeners are affected by your message. As you talk they perceive and interpret your message. Being conscious of your voice is necessary to communicate your level of enthusiasms for your central idea. Tan (2007:186) voices may either be light or dark. This use of light or dark voices refers not to the pitch but to the resonance of the voices. A light voice does not mean high but it refers to a voice having fewer overtones and undertones than a darker voice. The classification of voices within any group can only be relative for there may not be any voice that is undeniably light or dark within the choir. Aquino (2002:14-16), explains further that successful speakers use several vocal qualities to make their speech colorful and more vivid. Some of these qualities are intelligibility; the ability to understand a message is dependent upon the following qualities; loudness, rate, enunciation, and pronunciation. These take a far greater significance when speaking in public with a big audience. In loudness, the speaker should adjust his volume, your speaking volume should consider the distance that exists between you and the audience and the amount of external noise. Next is enunciating clearly. Enunciation refers to the crispness and precision used in forming your words. He suggested not enunciating when you slur sounds, drop syllables, insert new sounds, and skip over beginning or ending of words. When speaking in public, you will need to concentrate upon the clear and distinct enunciation of syllables and words. In pronunciation, if enunciation refers to precise vocalization, pronunciation refers to regional or national pattern of how various should be vocalized. The second quality is variety. There is a need to vary the characteristics of your voice; rate, pitch, force and pauses. If you vary your voice, it will make your presentation more pleasant to listen to you can alter your normal pitch level by changing your pitch range to provide emphasis or call attention to your ideas. It will also make your speech more interesting and not monotonous. The third qualities are the stress patterns which are ways in which sounds, syllables and words are accented. Stress in important to put emotion and understanding to the message. The fourth quality is vocal emphasis placed upon any syllable, word, group of words, or portion of a speech will bring about significant meanings. Unless you used it properly, important ideas will tend to be hidden by subordinate details. The fifth one are pauses which refer to intervals of silence between or within words, phrases or sentences. According to Catacutan (2006:355) the harmony and rhythm of a poem as a means of communication is reinforcing and combining with the meaning of words, often suggesting or representing the poems attitude. Moreover good poetry rendition or recitation blends sense and sounds in ways which evoke images and extend the listeners imaginations and memory, and experience beyond the physical limits of his or her life. Consequently, the harmony in poem means the phrasing combinations of the sounds. Rhythm suggests the pattern produced in the relative duration and stress of syllables in words Villamin (1994:132-134), the appreciation of a literary piece may be either for personal or social reasons. It is personal when one reads a selection for his own personal satisfaction, use or need and it is social when a person reads a selection, understands what it is about, derives pleasure from it, and shares it with others. This type of literary appreciation may be gained through oral interpretation. He added the art of oral interpretation. Oral interpretation is the art of communicating to an audience a work of literature in its intellectual, emotional and aesthetic entirety it is the act of communicating ideas intellectually and emotionally through the tonal elements of the voice and the movements of the body. For effective oral interpretation, two main aspects are taken into consideration. Vocal techniques, the observer has to observe careful and clear production of the vowel and consonant sounds of the language in order to be understood. He makes use of the various attributes of the voice, pitch, force, rate and quality- to achieve vocal expression. Bodily techniques today called body language; these techniques refer to the use of energy part of the needed to convey the ideas and emotions presented in the literary piece. Body techniques include conventional gestures in head and the hands. Aquino (2002:27 and 35) cited the different speech terms and activities. Resonance is the ringing, resounding, or vibrating quality of a voice which results from the proper use of resonators. Pitch concerns how high or low a voice may be. Range, the distance measured in notes, between the lowest pitch and the highest pitch of a comfortable effective speaking voice. Volume is force or loudness of tone. Intensity, a quality in speaking that arises from strong feeling; never confuse it with mere loudness of tone. Rate is the speed of speaking. Inflection is the rise and fall of the voice as it slides from one pitch to another in the formation of a syllable, word or group of words. Flexibility is the ability of a voice to modulate or vary within a pleasant range of tone. Emphasis is stressed placed upon any syllable, word, group of words, or position of a speech. pause a brief suspension of the voice or hesitation while speaking. Enunciation is the clearness with which a speaker forms his words. Pronunciation is the correct utterance of words, so that the vowels and consonants are given their proper sounds and the syllables their proper accents. Posture is the manner in which the body is carried. Gesture is any bodily movement expressing or emphasizing an idea. Audience contact is the establishment of a speaking situation in which the speakers sends out a message and the audience receives the message. Delivery is the sum total of how a speech is given with a combination of gestures, postures, rate, volume, inflection, pitches, pause, emphasis and poise. Tejero (2004:83), enumerated the steps in teaching choral speaking. These are: Read the poem selected for its content. Determine the type and the mood of the poem. Understand the meaning of the poem. Know the rhythmical nature of the poem. Read the poem with the children. Repeat the selection together. Apportion the parts and lines to the children. Making sure that the voice is blend properly. Avoid sing-song recitation. Tan cited (2007:183-185) choral verse speaking or choric interpretation, as a form of literary interpretation of the poetry involves a director and a group. In choric interpretation, the leader or director plays a very important role and for this reason he must possess certain qualifications. First of all, he must be a lover of poetry and must be able to read it well. He must be enthusiastic about verse speaking and must have a rich background and understanding of both English and American poetry and be familiar with the history of poetry. He must be able to stimulate the group into analytical study of the poems without tearing the poems to pieces. He must lead the group surely into the techniques of expression and be sensitive to sound effects, coloring, sound sense values, melody and rhythm. Furthermore he added that the chorus is made up of twenty members which is the ideal number for choric performance. The director usually divides this group into voices made up of girl’s high, medium and low and of boy’s high, medium and low. Moreover, that in choosing the materials for choral verse speaking, the group must remember that the range of materials suitable for choric interpretation is a wide. The choir should proceed slowly first by choosing simple materials and later on progressing to more difficult materials. In choosing the material for choric performance, the group must consider the author’s intent. If the literary work is intended to share an extremely individual and private experience, then it is probably better for a single voice of the writer, it is suitable for a choir. The group must remember that the stronger the work is, the more suitable it is for choral performance by many voices. Another example in selecting material is the kind of climaxes the writing contains and the way they are achieved. Material that depends on sharp contrast or an accumulation for the climaxes often is most effective with many voices. Having been equipped with varied literature, the researcher feet that the reviewed literature had close bearing with the present study. They dealt on the literary appreciation that must develop their knowledge and skills. They enriched the researcher’s background knowledge of the topic under study. Thus, the researcher carried on with eagerness and confidence Related Studies A closely related study to the present study was conducted by Serrano (2005). It dealt with the enrichment of appreciation skills through the leading of poetry among elementary grade pupils. She employed the descriptive of research with the questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The statistical tool used was frequency, weighted mean, ranking, t-test and chi-square test. Her findings revealed that the types of poetry were often taught to the children by their teachers. Gramatic poetry was first in rank while narrative poetry was last in rank. Both teachers and pupils perceived that the teachers were effective in following the steps in teaching a poem. Foremost in rank was first reading by the teacher and last in rank was memorization and culminating activities. Regarding the teachers performance in following the suggestions in teaching poetry, both respondents revealed a very satisfactory level of performance. First in rank was read the poem first to class. Last in rank was conducting varied creative activities where art education, music, physical education were integrated. Having pronunciation drills of words were integrated. Having pronunciation drills of words were given emphasis especially outputs in cooperative learning activities through poetry. This study is related to the present study because both dealt with teaching poetry. The difference is that the former centered in teaching the poem while the present study was expanded to a choral speaking of the poem taught. Both used the descriptive method that the present study also used the experimental method. It is also action research. Differences were noted in the instruments because the present study used lesson plans and tests. There were also differences in the statistical treatment because the present study used weighted mean and ranking only. Another study related to the present study was the one conducted by Amurao (2005). It dealt with oral communication competence among secondary school students. She employed the descriptive method of research with the questionnaire as instrument for gathering data. The statistical measures used in treating the data were frequency, percentage, weighted mean, ranking, chi-square and t-test. Her findings revealed that the factors that contribute to the difficulties met by students in oral communication were perceived to a great extend. Limited vocabulary words was first in rank and last in rank were inadequate teaching aids, textbooks, workbooks, teaching guides and reference books. The student-respondents perceived that the factors contributed to student’s difficulties to a moderate extent. Limited vocabulary of words ranked as first and difficulty in pronouncing the words clearly and correctly was last in rank. Regarding the teachers’ performance in employing techniques in presenting language structures, the respondents revealed a effective level of performance. They revealed that recitation techniques ranked first and last in rank was the interview technique. This study is related to the present study because it dealt with oral communicative competence. The difference is that the former centered in communicative competence while the present study was centered in choral speaking ability. Both used the descriptive method that the present study also used the experimental method. It is also action research. Differences were noted in the instruments because the present study used weighted mean and ranking only. Another study that relates to the present study was conducted by Brotonel (2005) that dealt with the teaching competencies of English teachers among elementary grades pupils. She employed the descriptive method of research with the questionnaire as the instrument used in gathering pertinent data. The statistical tools utilize were percentage, weighted mean, t-test and chi-square test. Based on her findings, the utilization of instructional materials through teaching process was often taught to the children by their teachers. First in rank is the mean s of dialogs, pictures, stories, new stories, diary and story and last in rank is asking higher order skills questions in sequence. The pupil-respondents perceived their teachers’ teaching competencies in utilization of instructional was very good. First in rank is motivating them in varied ways to arouse their curiosity and last in rank was presenting structure of dialogs, pictures, stories, new stories, diary and story Regarding the teachers competencies in classroom management, both respondents revealed a very good level of performance. First in rank was showing alertness to pupils and give corrections at the right time and last in rank is speaking English clearly and loudly enough. This study is related to the present study because both dealt with method used which is descriptive. The difference is the instruments use because the present study used lessons plans and tests and demonstrations teaching was conducted. There were also differences in the statistical treatment because the present study used weighted mean and ranking only. The study conducted by Marquez (2003) was about the development of literary appreciation skills in English among secondary school students. She employed the descriptive method of research with the questionnaire as the data gathering instruments. The statistical tool used was percentage, weighted mean and frequency. It was found out that the performance of students in developing literary appreciation skills was very satisfactory. Dramatic monologue was first in rank while the chamber theaters were last in rank. Both teachers and pupils were perceived that the teachers performed very satisfactorily in developing literary appreciation skills of the students. Foremost in rank is writing and last in rank was the oral interpretation. Regarding the teachers performance in developing literary appreciation skills of students, both respondents revealed a very satisfactory level of performance. Foremost in rank is writing and last in rank was the oral interpretation. This study shows similarity with the present study because both dealt with teaching poetry. The difference is that the present study thought how to recite chorally. Both used the descriptive method but the present study also used the experimental method and also an action research. Differences were noted in the instruments because the present study used questionnaire, lesson plans and tests. There were also differences in the statistical treatment The study conducted by Caraig (2005) that focused on the utilization of instructional materials in teaching English among high school students showed relationship with the present study because she latter also used instructional materials in teaching. both utilized descriptive method of research with the questionnaire as the data gathering instruments. The statistical tools used frequency, weighted mean, ranking, t-test and chi-square test. Her findings revealed that the utilization of instructional materials of the teachers enhanced the teaching learning process. First in rank are the factors that materials should guide learners while factors flexibility and diversity were last in rank. Both teachers and students perceived that the teachers were effective in following the factors in utilizing instructional materials. Foremost in rank is the factor that materials should guide learners and last in rank was the factor diversity. Regarding the teachers performance in following the criteria in selecting and using instructional materials, both respondents revealed a very great extent level of performance. Foremost of all was that the materials utilized fitted the objectives. Last in rank was that the materials they used were free from stereotyping and excision. This study shows relevance to the present study because the researcher used instructional materials in her teaching. The difference is that the former centered in instructional materials while the present study was expanded to a choral speaking of the poem taught using instructional materials. Both used the descriptive method that the present study also used the experimental method. It is also action research. Differences were noted in the instruments because the present study used lessons plans and tests. There were also differences in the statistical treatment because the present study used weighted mean and ranking only. Chapter 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES This chapter presents the research method use, the respondents of the study, instrument used, construction and administration of the instruments, scoring and interpretation of responses and statistical treatment of data. Research Method This study is an action research which utilized the descriptive method of research. As Sevilla define descriptive method as a design for investigation and gathering information about the present existing conditions. A descriptive study determines and reports the way things are. It has no control over what is and it can only measure what already existing conditions whose principal aim is to describe the nature of and explore the causes of a particular phenomena. Therefore it is the best method deemed by her for her study. Respondents of this study The respondents of the study were the 47 students of third year B students, 22 boys and 25 girls. They were enrolled at Alitagtag College Inc., High School Department main during the first semester of school year of 2012-2013. Research Instrument The researcher utilized the questionnaire as the major instruments for gathering data. As defined by Posecion (2011:88) questionnaires are devices consisting of pre arranged questions requiring written responses from the respondents of the study. She believes that through this instrument, she will be able to collect the necessary data from the respondents. Another instrument that she used was the detailed lesson plan prepared by the researcher. The evaluation instruments that were congruent with the objectives were very useful in finding out the performance of the students under study. Preparation of the Instruments The researcher studied her problems carefully. She examined varied books, magazines and thesis in the library. She prepared her detailed lesson plan to be used in the demonstration teaching. she presented the drafts of the lesson plan together with test, to the research professor for comments and suggestions. Afterwards, she prepared the necessary teaching devices and materials to be used in her demonstrations like pictures, flashcards and charts. The first draft of the questionnaire was presented to the research professor for checking. After making the revisions she prepared the final copy. Enough copies were multiplied for distribution to the respondents. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher approached the principal of Alitagtag College Inc., High School Department Main for approval to conduct her research in his school through a formal letter of request. After the approval, she coordinated with the adviser for the schedule of her demonstration teaching. Through the assistance of her adviser, she conducted a demonstration teaching among third year B students. After the demonstration, the copies of the questionnaire were distributed to them. Then in the administration of the questionnaire, the researcher retrieved and collected the questionnaire. After one week, the results were tallied, tabulated and interpreted. Statistical Treatment of Data Introductory statement 1. Weighted Mean (Paler-Calmorin and Calmorin, 1996:115-116). It was used to find out the answers to the three problems stated in chapter 1. The following formula was used _ _ X=ΣfX ——— Σf Where: _ X = weighted mean Σ = sum of all products of f and x; where f is the frequency of each option and x is the weight of each option. Σf = total number of response 2. Ranking. It was used to determine the rank obtain by the most commonly confuse word in speaking correctly. 3. Proficiency level. It was used to determine the level of students’ performance in the formative given. Scoring and Interpretation of Responses For ease in scoring and interpretation, the following scales of values were utilized. For Problem 1. Problems Experienced by the Students in Choral Speaking Points Interval from the Mean Verbal Interpretation 5 4.5 - 5.00 Very Great Extent (VGE) 4 3.5 – 4.49 Great Extent (GE) 3 2.5 – 3.49 Moderate Extent (ME) 2 1.5 – 2.49 Less Extent (LE) 1 1.0 – 1.49 No Extent (NE) For Problem 2. Strategies for Improving Choral Speaking Abilities Points Interval from the Mean Verbal Interpretation 5 4.5 - 5.00 Very Effective (VE) 4 3.5 – 4.49 Effective (E) 3 2.5 – 3.49 Moderately Effective (ME) 2 1.5 – 2.49 Less Effective (LE) 1 1.0 – 1.49 Ineffective (I) For Problem 3. Benefits Gained from Choral Speaking Points Interval from the Mean Verbal Interpretation 5 4.5 - 5.00 Very High Degree (VHD) 4 3.5 – 4.49 High Degree (HD) 3 2.5 – 3.49 Moderately Degree (MD) 2 1.5 – 2.49 Less Degree (LD) 1 1.0 – 1.49 No Degree (ND) Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the respondents by means of the questionnaire, lesson plan and demonstration teaching. The researcher was endorsed by the research adviser to the principal of Alitagtag College Inc., High School Department Main with a formal letter. After endorsing to the principal, the researcher planned to conduct her study among the third year B students. Then she made a letter of request to the principal for the approval to conduct her research in their school. Likewise she also made a letter of request for the students to conduct her study. After the approval of the principal, the researcher approached and asked the permission of the teacher to conduct her research and this was approved by the teacher and scheduled last August 15, 2012 and August 17, 2012. The researcher made the drafts of her lesson plan for the first and second days of teaching. Her first lesson plan was teaching poetry with choral speaking as the major competency. The drafts was presented and submitted to the research adviser for editing, comments and approval. When the final revision was done, the researcher made her visual aids such as pictures, charts and cards as her instructional materials in her demonstration teaching. She studied and mastered her subject matter very well so that she will be prepare to teach. On her first day of teaching, the adviser introduced the researcher to her class. The researcher read to her students the letter of request in conducting her study. She used descriptive method in teaching to gather new information about the present existing conditions. She started teaching and followed the steps written on her lesson plan. With the use of her instructional materials, she was able to catch the attention of her students to listen and participate actively in the discussion. She employed varied teaching strategies and techniques in motivation, presentation, and the other steps executed. The class well behaved until the last part of the lesson. After administering the formative test, she get the proficiency level of the students. 1. Proficiency Level of the Class in the Formative Test during the First Day of Teaching: Table 1 presents the proficiency level of the class in the formative test during the first day of the demonstration teaching. Table 1 Proficiency Level of the Class in the Formative Test during the First Day of Demonstration Teaching. Date Number of Students Proficiency level Verbal Interpretation August 15, 2012 45 Target Achieved Good Quantity 100 Quality 75 Quantity 75 Quality 82 It is shown above that there were 45 students who took the test. The actual number of students was 47 in their class, but two were absent. It was reflected in the table that there was a target proficiency level of 100 percent in terms of quantity and 75 percent in terms of quality. This means that 100 percent of the class should achieve the target proficiency level at least 75% in terms of quality. It appears on the table that 82 percent was achieved by 100 percent of the students in terms of quality. This finding shows that not all students who took the test performed well to achieve the target level of performance which was reflected as Good. There were 32 students passed the test and there were 13 students failed the test and they need to exert more effort in understanding and memorizing a poem. Based from the result of the proficiency level, the researcher went deeper in her analysis of the result. She tried to find out the problems experienced by the students in choral speaking. 2. Extent to which the Students Experience Problems in Choral Speaking. Table 2 presents the extent to which the students experienced problems in choral speaking. Table 2 Extent to which the Students Experienced Problems in Choral Speaking Problems Experienced by the Students in Choral Speaking WM VI Rank 1. Incorrect articulation and enunciation. 3.36 GE 8 2. Word by word reading of lines. 3.89 GE 2 3. Inability to fit the appropriate pitch and tone to the lines and stanzas. 3.76 GE 4 4. Skipping some words in a line 2.87 ME 3 5. Non observance of harmony of voices 3.49 ME 6.5 6. Absence of gesture on specified parts. 3.53 GE 5 7. Lack of proper expression or feeling. 3.49 ME 6.5 8. Failure of having eye contact. 3.98 GE 1 9. Having sing-song recitation. 2.81 ME 10 10. Difficulty in memorizing the lines and stanzas. 3.19 ME 9 Average 3.44 GE Legend: GE= Great Extent It can be gleamed from the table that the choral speaking problems encountered by the students were experienced to a moderate extent as revealed by the average weighted mean of 3.44. First in rank was failure of having eye contact to a great extent with a weighted mean of 3.98. This could be due to the fact that based from her observation; majority of the students did not look at the audience because they were looking at the copy. As Aquino (2002:41-42), states that regular eye contact as an important means of establishing credibility with an audience. A speaker who looks at the audience eye to eye is a sign that he is earnest, sincere, forthright, self assured and professional. Last in rank which gained a weighted mean of 2.81, moderate extent was having sing-song recitation. This means that the students recited the lines as if singing and reciting praise to a patron saint. They did not apply the proper way of reading with correct expression and intonation. As cited by Parayno (1997:43), in order to achieve a good choral speaking and one of this step is avoid sing-song recitation. This difficulty could be checked by expressing the lines correctly and observing correct intonation pattern. This is difference from the study of Serrano because first reading of the teacher was first in rank. Last in rank was memorization and culminating activities. On the second day of teaching, the researcher used her second lesson plan which dealt with actual choral speaking of the poem. She memorized the poem in class, so that the students will memorize the poem from the memory also. She served as their example and leader in memorizing the lesson. The researcher used different techniques in memorizing the poem and in performing choral interpretation. After performing all the activities, the formative test was administered. 3. Proficiency Level of the Class on the Second Day of Teaching. Table 3 shows the proficiency level of the class in the second day of teaching. Table 3 Proficiency Level of the Class on the Second Day of Teaching Date Number of Students Proficiency level Verbal Interpretation August 17, 2012 47 Target Achieved Very Good Quantity 100 Quality 75 Quantity 100 Quality 93 It is shown that there were 47 students who took the test and all of them passed the test. It was reflected that the techniques that being used by the researcher has a great help in reciting the poem chorally, because they get 93 percent in terms of quality. After determining and interpreting the proficiency level, the researcher distributed the second set of her questionnaire to find the effectiveness of the strategies employed in choral speaking and the benefits that the students gained from the choral recitation. 4. Effectiveness of the Strategies Employed by the Teacher in Improving the Choral Speaking Abilities of the Students. Table 2 presents the effectiveness of the strategies in improving choral speaking abilities of the students. Table 4 Effectiveness of Strategies Employed by the Teacher in Improving the Choral Speaking Abilities of the Students Strategies for Improving Choral Speaking Abilities WM VI Rank 1. Providing practice exercises in enunciation and articulation of words. 4.08 E 3.5 2. Dividing each line by thought units. 3.87 E 9 3. Acting as a model in reading each line with appropriate tone and pitch. 3.94 E 7.5 4. Emphasizing the memorization of each line exactly. 3.94 E 7.5 5. Stressing the techniques in observing proper blending of voices. 3.53 E 1O 6. Demonstrating correct gesture for every stanza. 4.11 E 2 7. Showing expression and movement in every stanza. 4.00 E 5 8. Calling the attention of students who are not looking at the audience. 4.13 E 1 9. Modeling how to speak with correct intonation. 3.98 E 6 10. Applying the part method of memorization. 4.08 E 3.5 Average 3.97 E Legend: E= Effective A closer look on the data revealed that the respondents perceived that the strategies for improving choral speaking abilities of the students were effective as revealed by the average weighted mean of 3.97. This implied that the respondents were satisfied with the strategies employed by the teacher in teaching choral speaking that would lead to the achievement of improved choral speaking abilities. First in rank among the strategies was calling the attention of students who are not looking at the audience. It was revealed by a weighted mean of 4.13 and interpreted as effective. This finding indicated that before speaking in chorus, teachers must know how to call the attention of the students to have eye contact with the audience. According to the suggestions of Aquino (2002:3), to catch the attention of your audience, you should present yourself, your ideas and information to others, for you to influence other people’s beliefs, ideas and values and to establish credibility. Last in rank which gained a weighted mean of 3.53 interpreted as effective too was stressing the techniques in observing proper blending of voices. This led to the idea that the students had followed how to use voice according to the mood of the poem. This finding disagrees with the study of Amurao because the recitation techniques ranked first and the interview technique was last in rank. According to the techniques that being used by the researcher, she noticed that the students had improvement in reciting a poem chorally. The researcher also sought the benefits gained by the students from choral speaking. 5. Degree of Students Appreciation on the Benefits gained from Choral Speaking. Table 5 reflects the degree of students appreciation on the benefits gained from choral speaking. Table 5 Degree of student’s appreciation on the Benefits Gained from Choral Speaking Benefits Gained from Choral Speaking WM VI Rank 1. My good speech habits, articulation and enunciation were developed. 4.08 HD 3 2. Observing good communication with my audience. 3.91 HD 5.5 3. Adapting my voice to the message of the lines and stanzas. 3.83 HD 8 4. Using body movements and gesture in expressing or emphasizing ideas. 3.91 HD 5.5 5. Using high pitch to communicate excitement and lower pitches to create a sense of control or solemnity. 4.15 HD 1.5 6. Showing care in uttering all words in the poem. 7. Exercising care so as to observe harmony of voices with the group. 8. Avoiding sing-song recitation. 9. Appreciating poetry deep in my heart. 10. Demonstrating self-confidence and poise while reciting the poem. Average 3.96 3.64 3.55 3.85 4.15 3.90 HD HD HD HD HD HD 4 9 10 7 1.5 Legend: HD= High Degree The respondents perceived that they gained benefits from choral speaking to a high degree as evidenced by the weighted mean of 3.90. First in rank are using high pitch to communicate excitement and lower pitches to create a sense of control or solemnity, and demonstrating self-confidence and poise while reciting the poem with the group. It was proven by the obtained weighted mean of 4.15 and interpreted as high degree according to Tan’s (2007:93), suggested tips to students for the proper development , they should use and control the voice. He defines to the youngster the volume, pitch and duration mean as qualities of a voice. Explain that volume refers to how lour or how soft his voice is when he speaks to people. Pitch means the tone of his voice, how high or low, how clear and resonant it is. Moreover, duration in the voice is the rate of his speech, how fast or slow or moderate is the rate his utterances of the spoken words, and the communication of his ideas. Furthermore Ortiz (1981:51) states that increase range of pitch and use changes in pitch, richness of pitch and its variations helps hold attention or suggest it. On the other hand according to Tan (2007:20), poise which is the state of equanimity and balance which conserves mental, emotional and physical energy are important too. This is clearly shown by the speaker’s calm overview of the whole speaking situation. Poise is best achieved by the speaker when his mind is free from tension and fear and when unavoidable distractions are minimized. It can be increased by a conscious control of the arms, hands, shoulders, feet and other bodily movements during the process of thought communication, by strengthening your confidence in your ability to communicate ideas effectively, and by concentrating on the subject and its communication to the audience. Strong concentration on your points of the topic will not only increase your poise but it will also reduce nervousness and will read to the proper coordination of thought and bodily movements. He is also suggested the confidence of self and sincerity of expression. These factors contribute to establishing good relationship with audience, creating goodwill among them, and winning audience’s respect for the ability of the speaker to communicate ideas successfully. The more a speaker shows confidence in his ability to more he will strengthen the audience’s belief in his ideas. Strengthening confidence un the ability to communicate will leads to better organization of successfully. The more a speaker shows confidence in his ability and skill for effective public speaking, the more he will strengthen the audience belief in his ideas. Furthermore, strengthening confidence n his ability to communicate will leads to better organization of ideas, harmonious coordination of thought and bodily movements and increase of the powers of expression before an audience. Last in rank was avoiding sing-song recitation which gained a weighted mean of 3.55, high degree. This is stated by Tan (2007:189), that if you are a member of the choir verse group, you must remember that you have the same responsibilities during a group performance as in single performance. You must blend your voice to achieve the effect needed for the sound patterns and discipline and time your bodily actions so they are in harmony with the others and do not break the total effect. This finding is disagree with the study of Marquez because the foremost in rank is writing and last in rank was the oral interpretation. Chapter 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUDIONS ND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents a summary of findings revealed in the study, the conclusions drawn and recommendations offered by the researcher. Summary This was conducted to enhance the choral speaking abilities of the students from third year B- generous in Alitagtag College Inc., High School Department Main during the first semester of school year 2012-2013. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions. 1. What is the proficiency level of the class in he formative test during the first day of teaching? 2. To what extent do the students experience problems in choral speaking during the first day of teaching? 3. What is the proficiency level of the class in the formative test during the second day of teaching? 4. How effective are the strategies employed by the teacher in improving the choral speaking abilities of the students? 5. To what degree do the students show their appreciation of the benefits gained from choral speaking? The respondents involved in this study were 47 students in Alitagtag College Inc., High School Department Main during the first semester of the school year 2012-2013. The method used by the researcher was the descriptive method and she used questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The statistical tools utilized were the weighted mean and ranking. Summary of Findings The following findings were revealed in this study. 1. Proficiency level of the class in the formative test during the first day of teaching. It is shown that there were 45 students who took the test and there were 32 students pass the test and 13 students failed the test and it appears that 82 percent was achieved by 100% of the class in terms of quality. 2. Extent to which the students experienced problems in choral speaking. It can be gleamed that the choral speaking problems encountered by the students were experienced to a moderate extent as revealed by the weighted mean of 3.44. first in rank was failure of having eye contact to a great extent with a weighted mean of 3.98, and last in rank, which gained a weighted mean of 2.81, moderate extent was having sing-song recitation. 3. Proficiency level of the class in the second day of teaching. it is shown that there were 47 students who took the test and all of them passed the test because they got 93 percent in terms of quality and 100 percent in terms of quantity. 4. Effectiveness of the strategies employed by the teacher in improving the choral speaking abilities of the students. A closer look on the data revealed that the respondents perceived the strategies for choral speaking abilities of the students were effective as revealed by the average weighted mean of 3.97. First in rank was calling the attention of students who are not looking at the audience. It was revealed by a weighted mean of 4.13 and interpreted as effective. Last in rank which gained a weighted mean of 3.53 interpreted as effective too was stressing the techniques in observing proper blending of voices. 5. Degree of student’s appreciation on the benefits gained from choral speaking. The respondents perceived that they gained benefits from choral speaking in a high degree as evidenced by a weighted mean of 3.90. First in rank are using high pitches to create a sense of control or solemnity, and demonstrating self confidence and poise while reciting the poem with the group. It was proven by the obtained weighted mean of 4.15 and interpreted as high degree. Last in rank was avoiding sing-song recitation which gained a weighted mean of 3.55 and interpreted as high degree. Conclusions Based from the findings revealed on the study on the following conclusions were drawn. 1. The proficiency level of the class in the formative test during the first day of teaching was 82 percent in terms of quality and 75 percent in terms of quantity. 2. The students encountered problems in choral speaking to a moderate extent. 3. The proficiency of the class in the formative test during the second day of teaching was 93 percent in terms of quantity and 100 percent in terms of quantity. 4. The strategies employed by the teacher improving speaking abilities of the students were effective. 5. The respondents showed appreciation on the benefits gained from choral speaking to a high degree. Recommendations In the light of the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations were offered by the researcher. 1. The teacher should provide varied activities to increase the proficiency level of the ideas in choral speaking. 2. There is a need for the teacher to give more emphasis in helping students to avoid sing-song recitation by providing practice exercises in intonation, expression and pronunciation. 3. The teacher should encourage all students to continue practicing choral speaking with correct pronunciation, intonation and gesture. 4. The teacher should employ effective teaching techniques and strategies in developing the students’ ability in observing proper blending of voices. 5. There is a need for the teacher to provide more exercises in choral speaking in order to avoid sing-song recitation. 6. Other studies pertaining to enhancing choral speaking skills of students in all year levels with pronunciation, voice, intonation, expression and gesture should be conducted. Questionnaire 1. Problems Experienced by the Students in Choral Speaking during the First Day of Teaching. Direction: Listed below are some problems that you experienced during the first day of choral speaking. Kindly check the appropriate column which answers the extent to which you experienced them during the first day. Please use the code below. 5 – VGE – Very Great Extent 4 – GE – Great Extent 3 – ME – Moderate Extent 2 – LE –Less Extent 1 – NE – No Extent Problems Experienced by the Students in Choral Speaking VGE GE ME LE NE 1. Incorrect articulation and enunciation. 2. Word by word reading of lines. 3. Inability to fit the appropriate pitch and tone to the lines and stanzas. 4. Skipping some words in a line 5. Non observance of harmony of voices 6. Absence of gesture on specified parts. 7. Lack of proper expression or feeling. 8. Failure of having eye contact. 9. Having sing-song recitation. 10. Difficulty in memorizing the lines and stanzas. 2. Teaching Strategies Employed by the Teacher to Developed the Choral Speaking Abilities of the Students Direction: Listed below are some strategies that your teacher employed in developing your choral speaking abilities. Kindly check the column which answers the effectiveness of each strategy in improving your choral speaking abilities. Please use the code below. 5 – VE – Very Effective 4 – E – Effective 3 – ME – Moderately Effective 2 – LE –Less Effective 1 – I – Ineffective Strategies for Improving Choral Speaking Abilities VE E ME LE I 1. Providing practice exercises in enunciation and articulation of words. 2. Dividing each line by thought units. 3. Acting as a model in reading each line with appropriate tone and pitch. 4. Emphasizing the memorization of each line exactly. 5. Stressing the techniques in observing proper blending of voices. 6. Demonstrating correct gesture for every stanza. 7. Showing expression and movement in every stanza. 8. Calling the attention of students who are not looking at the audience. 9. Modeling how to speak with correct intonation. 10. Applying the part method of memorization. 3. Degree of students’ Appreciation on the Benefits Gained from the Choral Speaking Lesson Direction: Kindly check the appropriate column for the degree of your appreciation on the benefits that you gained from the choral recitation of the poem. Please use the following skill of values. 5 – VHD – Very High Degree 4 – HD – High Degree 3 – MD – Moderately Degree 2 – LD–Less Degree 1 – ND–No Degree Benefits Gained from Choral Speaking VHD HD MD LD ND 1. My good speech habits, articulation and enunciation were developed. 2. Observing good communication with my audience. 3. Adapting my voice to the message of the lines and stanzas. 4. Using body movements and gesture in expressing or emphasizing ideas. 5. Using high pitch to communicate excitement and lower pitches to create a sense of control or solemnity. 6. Showing care in uttering all words in the poem. 7. Exercising care so as to observe harmony of voices with the group. 8. Avoiding sing-song recitation. 9. Appreciating poetry deep in my heart. 10. Demonstrating self-confidence and poise while reciting the poem. Curriculum Vitae Name: Rochelle A. Dimailig Address: Poblacion, Agoncillo, Batangas Cell #: 09093193613 Date of Birth: July 29, 1992 Place of Birth: R. Mendoza Street, Poblacion, Agoncillo, Batangas Nationality: Filipino Civil Status: Single Religion: Catholic Parents: Mr. Sofronio V. Dimailig Mrs. Cecelia A. Dimailig Scholastic Record Tertiary: Alitagtag College Inc., College Department Alitagtag, Batangas Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English Year 2009-2013 Secondary: Coral na Munti National High School Agoncillo Batangas Year 2005-2008 Elementary: Banca-Banca Elementary School Victoria, Laguna Year 2003-2004 Agoncillo, Central, School Agoncillo, Batangas Year 1997-2002 Scholastic Achievement Vice President of English and Math Club (2012-2013) P.R.O. of Talents Club (2012-213) Secretary of Talents Club (2011-2012) Assistant Secretary of English and Math Club (2011-2012) Secretary of Dance Club (2010-2011) Vice President of SAAC (2009-2010) Secretary of English Club (2009-2010) Assistant Secretary of ATES (2009-2010) High School: Secretary of Filipino Club (2007-2008) Secretary of Filipino Club (2006-2007) Representative of First Year Students in Filipino Club (2005-2006) Awards: 2nd runner up Dance Sport Competition (2011-2012) Champion in the Folk Dance Competition Battle of the Champion (2009-2010) Champion in Declamation Tagalog (2009-2010) Champion in Poem Tagalog (2009-2010) Champion in Folk Dance Competition (2009-2010) Champion in Street Dancing (2009-2010) 1st Runner Up in Court Dancing (2009-2010)
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:11:47 +0000

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