DO(do) Y DOES (daz) Auxiliary Verbs: DO and DOES | Verbos - TopicsExpress


DO(do) Y DOES (daz) Auxiliary Verbs: DO and DOES | Verbos Auxiliares: DO and DOES Profe Pablo: Ya aprendimos cómo hacer preguntas cuando el verbo que se utiliza es el verb to be. Con el resto de los verbos, para formar una pregunta sencilla en tiempo presente usamos el verbo auxiliar: DO/du/ y DOES/daz/ (sólo con he, she, it, y nombres de personas, ciudades, etc.) Para formar la pregunta, empieza con Do /du/ antes del sujeto. Pero, con la tercera persona del singular (he / she / it), se utiliza Does /daz/ y se cambia el verbo principal a su forma básica. Ejemplos: ORACIÓN PREGUNTA I wash. Do I wash? Yo lavo. ¿Lavo yo? You drink. Do you drink? Tú tomas. / Usted toma. ¿Tomas tú? / ¿Toma usted? She whistles. Does she whistle? Ella silba. ¿Silba ella? He gossips. Does he gossip? Él chismea. ¿Chismea él? (Quizá sea bueno aclarar la razón por la que el verbo principal vuelve a la forma básica: cuando se hace una pregunta con la tercera persona singular (he / she / it, y nombres de personas, etc.), el auxiliar does ya nos está aclarando que es 3ª persona, por lo tanto el verbo principal vuelve a su forma básica.) NOTA: Ya te diste cuenta que en inglés sólo se utiliza el signo de interrogación (?) al final de la oración. ¿DO o DOES? DO = I, you (singular), we, they DOES = he, she, it, and names of people and places Ejercicio 18 Profe Pablo: Escriba la palabra correcta. 1. ___________ you like tomatoes? 2. ___________ your brother work in TJ? 3. Where __________ your sister live? 4. What ___________ you want to drink? 5. ___________ you want anything else? 6. ___________ he like to go fishing? 7. Where ___________ they go to English class? 8. What time ______ your mother want to go to eat? 9. How many pieces of chocolate _______ you want? 10. ___________ she drive a Ford or a Chevrolet? 11. When ________ the students arrive in the class? 12. At what time ___________ you eat breakfast? 13. Who ___________ you think will win the lottery? 14. ___________ you play the lottery? 15. Where ______ you go shopping for groceries? 16. Why ___________ they walk in that direction? 17. When will you ___________ your homework? 18. ___________ you think it will rain today? 19. ___________ I go this way to the market? 20. Where ___________ you work? PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 19 Profe Pablo: Traduzca. 1. What do you do? __________________________________________ 2. Where do you live? ________________________________________ 3. Where does your family live? _________________________________________ 4. What does your ________(father, mother, sister, brother) do for work? ______________________________________ 5. When does the English class begin? __________________________ 6. What does estudiante mean in English? __________________________________ 7. Why do you like to study English? ___________________________________ 8. Does your friend like to study English, too? __________________________________ 9. What does your friend do? _____________________________________ 10. Where does your friend live? _______________________________________ 11. Where do the students study English? ____________________________________ 12. Why do they study English? _____________________________________ 13. When does the class start? ________________________________________ 14. Who does the cooking in the restaurant? ___________________________________ 15. When do we eat lunch? ______________________________ 16. How do you like to cook your hamburger? ___________________________________ 17. How does the teacher pronounce refrigerator? ________________________________________ 18. Where do we go for lunch? _____________________________________ 19. Why do we use DO and ‘DOES? _________________________________ 20. When do you do your homework for English class? _________________________ PREGUNTAS 21. Whom are you going to vote for? __________________________________ 22. When does the train arrive? __________________________________________ 23. How do you pronounce refrigerator? _______________________________________ 24. How do you say your name? _____________________________________ 25. Where do they go for lunch? _____________________________________ Ejercicio 20 Profe Pablo: Cambia las siguientes oraciones a preguntas. Ejemplo: The girl whistles. Does the girl whistle? 1. The dog eats bones. _______________________________ 2. We study English. _________________________________ 3. I drive a car. _____________________________________ 4. José eats lobster. _________________________________ 5. Maria works today. ________________________________ 6. The boys play soccer. ______________________________ 7. The dogs run in the street. _______________________________________ 8. The cats sleep on the sofa. ______________________________________ 9. The students study today. ________________________________________ 10. The teacher writes on the blackboard._________________________________________ NOTA: Cuando utilizamos do junto con otro verbo, como lo hicimos en este caso para hacer preguntas, se convierte en un verbo auxiliar. Pero como verbo por si solo, significa hacer. PREGUNTAS Affirmative Answers | Respuestas Afirmativas Contestamos preguntas en el afirmativo (sí), y en el negativo (no). Afirmativo Hay dos maneras de contestar una pregunta en el afirmativo (sí): 1. Quita el do o does y añade Yes (sí) al principio de la respuesta, dejando el resto del oración igual. RECUERDA: Si el sujeto de la pregunta es en tercera persona singular -- he (él), she (ella), it (ello) -- en la respuesta, al verbo le debes agrega la letra s, pues vuelve a ser una oración normal, y ya no está el auxiliar does (como en la pregunta) para aclararnos que es 3ª persona. Ejemplo: Does the dog eat bones? | ¿Come el perro huesos? Yes, the dog eats bones. | Sí, el perro come huesos. 2. Corta: Empieza con Yes, cambia el sujeto por el pronombre que corresponde, quita el verbo principal y coloca el do o does al final de la respuesta. Ejemplo: Do the cats eat mice? | ¿Comen ratones los gatos? Yes, they do. | Sí, lo hacen. PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 21 Profe Pablo: Contesta las siguientes preguntas en las dos formas afirmativas. Ejemplo: Does Mary work tomorrow? ¿Trabaja María mañana? a. Yes, Mary works tomorrow. Sí, María trabaja mañana. b. Yes, she does. | Sí, ella lo hace. 1. Does Pablo run fast? a. ___________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________. 2. Do I study English? a. ___________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________. 3. Do you study English? a. ___________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________. 4. Do we all study English? a. ___________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________. 5. Do you dance all night? a. ___________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________. PREGUNTAS Negative Answers | Respuestas Negativas Contestamos preguntas en el afirmativo (sí), y en el negativo (no). Negativo Hay tres maneras de contestar una pregunta en el negativo (no): 1. Empieza con NO, y agrega do not o does not (o la contracciòn don’t o doesn’t) entre el sujeto y el verbo. Ejemplo: Does the dog eat bones? ¿Come el perro huesos? No, the dog does not eat bones. No, el perro no come huesos. -No, the dog doesn’t eat bones. 2. Corta: Empieza con No. Quita el verbo principal y coloca el do not ( o la contracción don’t) o does not (doesn’t) al final de la respuesta. Ejemplo: Do gorillas eat hot dogs? | ¿Comen los gorillas hot dogs? No, gorillas do not. (significa)No, los gorilas no comen hot dogs. No, gorillas don’t. 3. Mas corta: Cambia el sujeto por el pronombre que corresponde. Does the cow jump over the moon? | ¿Salta la vaca sobre la luna? No, it doesn’t. No, no lo hace. PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 22 Profe Pablo: Contesta en forma negativa las siguientes preguntas. Ejemplo: Does Mary work tomorrow? | ¿Trabaja María mañana? No, Mary does not work tomorrow. | No, María no trabaja mañana. No, Mary doesn’t work tomorrow. No, Mary does not (o doesn’t). No, she does not (o doesn’t). 1. Do gorillas sing? ________________________________. 2. Do fish fly? __________________________________. 3. Does Jose eat bones? __________________________________. 4. Do cats play the piano? ____________________________________. 5. Does a dog eat rocks? ____________________________________. 6. Is the boy in school? _________________________________. 7. Are you here to study English? ______________________________. 8. Are the people in the store? __________________________________. 9. Do the musicians play pianos? _______________________________________. 10. Do you do your homework? _______________________. PREGUNTAS Exercise 23 Profe Pablo: Lee en voz alta. 1. What do you do? I am a cook. I am a taxicab driver. I am a teacher. I am a _______________________________. 2. Where do you live? I live in Oxnard. I live in Ventura. I live in Mexico. I live in ______________________________. 3. Where do your parents live? My parents live in _____________________. 4. What does your ________(brother) do for work? My brother works in a restaurant. 5. When does the English class begin? The English class begins at 6 p.m. 6. Where do the students study English? The students study English in the school. 7. When does the class start? The class starts at 9 a.m. 8. When do we eat lunch? We eat lunch at noontime. 9. What does gimme mean? Gimme means Give me. 10. How do you spell crocodile? C – R – O – C – O – D – I – L – E. 11. How do you pronounce refrigerator? RI – FRIDGH – ERE – A – TOR. 12. Who knows how much a dictionary costs? I do. A dictionary costs $2.00. 13. When do you do your homework? I do my homework after dinner. 14. When do you get up in the morning? I get up at 6 AM. 15. When do you go to sleep? I go to sleep at 8 PM. 16. How do you go to work? I take the bus. 17. Why do you take a bus? Because my car is broken. 18. What is wrong with your car? I do not know!! (or I don’t know!!) 19. Who fixes your car? The car mechanic fixes my car. 20. Where is the mechanic’s garage? The mechanic’s garage is at 333 Main Street. 21. Where do you live? I live in Oxnard. 22. Do you live in Texas? No. I live in California. 23. What city do you live in? I live in Ventura. 24. What is your address? My address is 444 B St., Oxnard. 25. Where is Oxnard? Oxnard is in Southern California, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles. 26. Where were you born? I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 27. Where are you from? I am from Massachusetts. 28. How do you spell your name? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 29. How do you say hombre in English? Man. 30. What does your brother do for work? My brother drives a taxi. PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 24 Profe Pablo: Traduce y contesta las siguientes oraciones. Ejemplo: 1. What do you do? | ¿Que haces tu? I am a taxi driver. 2. Where do you live? _________________________________. 3. Where does your family live? __________________________________. 4. What does your ________(father, mother, sister, brother) do for work? ____________________________________, 5. When does the English class begin? _________________________________, 6. What does estudiante mean in English? ____________________________________, 7. Why do you like to study English? _______________________________________, 8. Does your friend like to study English, too? __________________________________________, 9. What does your friend do? ___________________________________________, 10. Where does your friend live? __________________________________________, 11. Where do the students study English? _________________________________________, 12. Why do they study English? _______________________________________, 13. When does the class start? _______________________________________, 14. Who does the cooking in the restaurant? ________________________________________, 15. When do we eat lunch? _______________________________________, 16. How do you like to cook your hamburger? _________________________________, 17. How does the teacher pronounce refrigerator? _____________________________________, 18. Where do we go for lunch? ____________________________________, 19. Why do we use DO and ‘DOES? ______________________________________, 20. When do you do your homework for English class? ___________________________________ , 21. Whom are you going to vote for? _____________________________________. 22. When does the train arrive? _______________________________________. 23. How do you pronounce refrigerator? _____________________________________. 24. How do you say your name? _______________________________________. 25. Where do they go for lunch? _______________________________________. 26. How many degrees does it take to boil water? (100oC or 212oF) _________________________________________. 27. Name an animal that begins with the letter h. (horse) _______________________________________. 28. What shape has four sides? (a square or a rectangle) __________________________________________. 29. How many legs does an insect have? (six) _______________________________________. 30. What animal rhymes with big? (pig) __________________________________________. 31. Where do you sleep? (on a bed) __________________________________________. 32. Where do you keep the milk? (in the refrigerator) __________________________________________. 33. Where do you keep your clothes? (in the closet) ___________________________________________. 34. What is the first meal of the day? (breakfast) _______________________________________. 35. What meal do you eat at noon time? (lunch) ___________________________________________. 36. In what month do we celebrate Christmas? (December) ______________________________________. 37. Which animal is the biggest - a cat, a dog or a lion? (lion) ___________________________________________. 38. Where do we get eggs from? (chickens) __________________________________________. 39. What shape is a house? (square or cubed) _________________________________________. 40. Which grows in the ground - tree or three? (tree) _____________________________________. 41. What is the opposite of up? (down) ________________________________________. 43. What president is on a one dollar bill? (George Washington) _________________________________________. 44. Name parts of your body that begin with e. (elbow, eye, ear) ____________________________________. 45. How do you say buenas noches in English when you see someone? (Good evening) _______________________________________. 46. Do you know how to count to 100 in English? ___________________________________________. 48. What flies through the air? (birds) __________________________________________. 49. Where do you fry eggs? (on the stove, in a frying pan) __________________________________. 50. Where do you bake a cake? (in the oven) __________________________________________. The Quiz Show | El Show de las Preguntas A = Announcer B = Contestant A: Is a dog a vegetable, animal or mineral? B: A dog is an animal. A: Correct. It is an animal. A: What color is the sky? B: The sky is blue. A: Correct. It is blue. A: Is a flower a plant or an animal? B: A flower is a plant. A: Correct. It is a plant. A: Where do flowers grow? B: Flowers grow in the garden. A: Do birds fly or swim? B: Birds fly. A: Where do birds live? B: Birds live in trees. A: Where is the backyard? B: In the back of the house. A: Do you wash dishes with soup or soap? B: With soap. Ejercicio 25 Who, what, when, where, why, what for, do you, etc. Profe Pablo: Practica, traduce y contesta. 1. What do you get when you mix red and yellow? (orange) ___________________________________________ 2. How do you change dollars into pesos? (You go to a casa de cambio.) _________________________________________ 3. What is the opposite of hot? (cold) ___________________________________________ 4. What is the opposite of spicy? (mild) ___________________________________________ 5. Name three fruits that grow on trees. (apples, oranges, cherries) ____________________________________________ 6. Name three green vegetables. (lettuce, cucumber, cabbage) _________________________________________ 7. When does it snow on the east coast? (in the winter) ____________________________________________ 8. What kind of animal flies? (birds) ___________________________________________ 9. What kind of creature swims? (fish) ____________________________________________ 10. What do you say when you cause an accident? (Excuse me.) __________________________________ 11. What do you say to a waiter when you want a menu? (I would like to see a menu.) ___________________________________ 12. Name five kinds of food that are sweet. (cookies, candies and cake) ____________________________________________ 13. What shape has no straight sides? (a circle, an oval) __________________________________________ 14. What size is S? M? L? XL? (small, medium, large, extra large) ____________________________________________ 15. What parts of the body begin with the letter h? (head, hair) ___________________________________ 16. Which works without electricity? A. car / B. bicycle / C. television (B. bicycle) ________________________________ 17. Whom do you see when you look in the mirror? (myself or yourself) ________________________________________ 18. Name a fruit that begins with the letter a. (apple) ______________________________________ 19. Name a vegetable that begins with the letter t. (tomato) _______________________________ 20. How many degrees does it take to boil water? (100°C or 212°F) _________________________________________ 21. Name an animal that begins with the letter h. (horse) ____________________________________________ 22. What shape has four sides? (a square or a rectangle) _______________________________________ 23. How many legs does an insect have? (six) ______________________________________ 24. What animal rhymes with big? (pig) _________________________________________ 25. Where do you sleep? (in a bed) __________________________________________ 26. Where do you keep the milk? (in the refrigerator) _________________________________________ 27. Where do you keep your clothes? (in the closet) ___________________________________________ 28. What is the first meal of the day? (breakfast) ____________________________________________ 29. What meal do you eat at noontime? (lunch) ___________________________________________ 30. In what month do we celebrate Christmas? (December) ___________________________________________ 31. Which animal is the biggest -- a cat, a dog or a lion? (lion) __________________________________________ 32. Where do we get eggs from? (chickens) ______________________________________ 33. What shape is a house? (square or cubed) _________________________________________ 34. Which grows in the ground -- tree or three? (tree) ________________________________________ 35. What is the opposite of up? (down) _________________________________________ 36. What president is on a one-dollar bill? (George Washington) _________________________________ 37. Name parts of your body that begin with e. (elbow, eye, ear) ____________________________________ 38. How do you say buenas noches in English when you see someone? (Good evening.) _______________________________________ 39. Do you know how to count to 100 in English? _________________________________ 40. What flies through the air? (an airplane) ______________________________________ 41. Where do you fry eggs? (on the stove, in a frying pan) _______________________________________ 42. What do you do in the morning? (I eat breakfast.) ______________________________________ 43. What do you do at night? (I go to bed.) ___________________________________________ 44. What time do you get up in the morning? (I get up at __________ in the morning.) __________________________________________ 45. What time do you go to sleep at night? (I go to sleep at ________ at night.) ____________________________________________ 46. When do you eat lunch? (I eat lunch around noontime.) __________________________________________ 47. Why does the chicken cross the road? (To get to the other side.) ___________________________________________ 48. How do you clean the dishes? (I clean the dishes with detergent and a sponge.) _____________________________________ 49. When is summer? (Summer is in the months of June through August.) ____________________________________________ 50. When is winter? (Winter is in the months of December through February.) _________________________________________ 51. Do you know how to use DO and DOES now? (Yes, I do!!!!) ____________________________________________ Ejercicio 26 Profe Pablo: Escoge la respuesta correcta. 1. I dont like ice cream, but he ___. a. do b. does 2. You dont need glasses, but I ___. a. do b. does 3. Sally doesn’t enjoy the movies, but everyone else ___. a. do b. does 4. Dave doesnt want to go out tonight, but his girlfriend ___. a. do b. does 5. My parents dont live in England, but I ___. a. do b. does 6. She doesnt smoke, but he ___. a. do b. does 7. I dont know her very well, but my friends ___. a. do b. does 8. This car doesnt go as fast as my old one ___. a. do b. does 9. I dont cook very well, but my boyfriend ___. a. do b. does 10. I like to study English with Profe Pablo, but my friend ___. a. doesn’t b. do not PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 27 Profe Pablo: Traduce el siguiente diálogo. A: How are you today? _____________________________________ B: Im fine. And you? ____________________________________________ A: OK. What do you do? ___________________________________________ B: I make pizzas. ___________________________________________ A: Do you make sandwiches too? ______________________________________ B: No, my brother makes sandwiches. _________________________________________ A: Does your brother make pizzas, too? _______________________________________ B: Yes, he does. ____________________________________________ PREGUNTAS A: Do both of you work together? ____________________________________________ B: No. He works in the morning, with my sister. _________________________________________ A: Do they know how to make meatballs? ___________________________________________ B: Oh, yes, we all know how to make meatballs. Do you like spaghetti and meatballs? __________________________________________ A: Oh, yes, I do. And mother does, too. Does your sister know how to make apple pie? ____________________________________________ B: Oh, no, but my brother does. ______________________________________ A: Do you have to go now? _________________________________________ B: Yes, I do. See you later. ________________________________________ PREGUNTAS Ejercicio 28 Profe Pablo: Traduce el siguiente diálogo. A: ¿Vas a la escuela todos los días? ______________________________________ B: Sí. ¿Y tú? ___________________________________ A: No, yo no voy a la escuela todos los días. _________________________________ B: ¿Sabes dónde puedo tomar clases de inglés? _________________________________ A: Tú puedes aprender inglés con el Profe Pablo Rogers. ______________________________________ B: ¿Sabes cuándo hay clases? _________________________________ A: No, pero mi hermano sí sabe. _____________________________________ B: ¿Sabes cuál método de inglés se usa en la clase? _____________________________________ A: Se llama Inglés Loco. _____________________________________ B: ¿Las clases son para los locos? ______________________________________ A: Oh, no. Ja, ja, ja. Se llama Inglés Loco porque es un idioma loco. ________________________________________ B: Oh, entiendo. Entonces, esas clases son muy buenas. Hasta luego. _______________________________________ A: See you later. __________________________________
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 18:42:13 +0000

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