DON’T EAT YOUR INVESTMENT SEED In our last edition, we talked - TopicsExpress


DON’T EAT YOUR INVESTMENT SEED In our last edition, we talked about daring to start your business with what you have instead of waiting for all the millions and for conditions to be perfect before you take that leap of faith. The fact is that most people don’t even know who they are or what God has deposited in them nor what they want to do. Some don’t know what they want to become. Presently, the need for people to exploit other options by starting on their own is becoming increasingly necessary because the complex world of career employment and the rule of work has changed. Working life is no longer simple unlike before when people worked hard, are treated well and appreciated by their employers and they carry on like that until they retire and get their benefits. These days, there are so many threats in the working environment and limited jobs for new entrants that people have to begin to look for other options. Investment could be the only road to your getting wealth like the word of God says in Gen 8:22 “as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease” that means, until you put your seed on the ground to die and regenerate, it cannot reproduce itself. If you do not cast your bread upon the waters for it to take in water and swell, you will not find it after many days. Eccle 11:1. The seed you need to invest could be your talent, skill, money, knowledge, time, love and your calling, because every man on this earth has been blessed with a seed. Your seed is that divine provision from God Almighty who is kind to everyone. You are not permitted to eat or waste your seed. You are not even permitted to allow your seed remain dormant. You have been empowered to be a blessing; not a consumer. You are supposed to be a seed multiplier, an inventor and investor like Jesus demonstrated in the story of the Talents in Matt 25:14-30. In this story, the servant that was given five talents and the one with two talents invested what was given to then and each received a 100% profit. Whereas, the servant that had one talent refused to invest but made excuses and ended up with no profit, Mat 25:24-25. This servants’ Master who represents God called him a wicked and lazy man and in verse 27 told him he should have invested his money for him to get a profit. Which goes to show that God expects a profit from his investment in us. The seed in your hand is to be planted for future bread. If you eat your seed plus the bread today, you will beg for bread tomorrow. No farmer eats everything he harvests otherwise, he will beg at the beginning of the next planting season. A wise farmer is a wise investor. He reserves the best seed for the new planting season. So every man is a potential investor but many have eaten their seeds, allowed them to be dormant, and killed their investments by their lack of discipline and they have become beggars. Beloved, no matter how small your seed is, invest it, plant it and it will multiply. Perhaps you are thinking you do not have any talent or seed. You are wrong, what you need to do is to ask God to reveal your seed to you because until you discover you cannot invest and recover. Like the widow of Zarephath who didn’t know she had a pot of oil in her house that could be invested/poured out to get her out of debt and poverty until God’s prophet opened her eyes to her seed. Invest what you have now because there is a tomorrow. Sacrifice the pleasures of today by investing for a brighter tomorrow. There are people whose destinies are tied to you, you cannot afford to fail them. Investment in business, ministry or whatever is a process that starts from getting informed. Empower your self by attending seminars, workshop, to acquire knowledge. Your today’s investment is your tomorrow’s asset. Like the Indians and Chinese people in our country, be determined, begin to see opportunities to invest and profit and stop focusing on the hostile economic environment. Rather, look unto Jesus and heaven’s economy and follow kingdom principles, then you will discover that the sky cannot even be your limit.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:48:00 +0000

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