DON’T SPOOK THE FISH - JOHN 3; Pastor Steve Vaggalis AREAS - TopicsExpress


DON’T SPOOK THE FISH - JOHN 3; Pastor Steve Vaggalis AREAS WHERE WE NEED TO BE CAREFUL (cont) 3). Don’t be RELIGIOUS We should not make it difficult for people to come to Christ. Thats what religion does with all the rules.... MATTHEW 22:40 “Love the Lord with all your heart….and your neighbor…on these TWO commandments hang the law and the prophets.” Religion loves to take something simple and make it difficult. We just need to love the Lord and love others. It’s about being born again and having a real relationship with God. JOHN 3:3 “You must be born again” Its not what we do, but Christ in us. *RELIGION PLACES PERFORMANCE OVER PEOPLE* Jesus always places people over performance – religion has it backwards.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:48:13 +0000

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