Dharma is a Sanskrit word for purpose in life.Deepak Chopra - TopicsExpress


Dharma is a Sanskrit word for purpose in life.Deepak Chopra defines the three aspects if the Law of Dharma. Finding our true spiritual self. At any age, at any time in our life, when we connect to the Universe and become aware and attuned we discover that we are spiritual beings having human, material experience, not a human beings having spiritual experience. That is he first aspect of the Law of Dharma. The second aspect is that after recognizing our spiritual self we discover and express our true talents. Each and everyone has an unique talent or an unique expression of a talent. When we are able to express our unique talent in a unique way, the time stops and we experience bliss. Service to humanity is the third aspect of The Law of Dharma. “How can I help and serve others” is the answer our true spirit seeks. “What can I get” versus “How can I help” – Ego versus Spirit. It takes a higher consciousness to find the answer to this question, and it is possible only and only we have discovered our true self and our true talent. The Ego steps back and has no chance to the power of Spirit. All three aspects combined unable us to access the field of pure potentiality and limitless abundance . The chakra associated with the Law of Dharma is the Ajna chakra located at the area of “third eye” , between the eyebrows and it is indigo blue in color. This is the chakra of intuition and frightfulness. When the Ajna chakra is blocked, we experience sense of self-doubt and mistrust . When open we feel deep sense of connection to our intuitive self, independent of the opinions of others, guided by inner knowing or voice, we follow and achieve the purpose of our life. My life is in harmony with cosmic law
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 04:32:04 +0000

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