EFF IS UNAPOLOGETIC OF ITS POLITICAL SUPPORT OF THE PLATINUM STRIKE 08 June 2014 The Economic Freedom Fighters is unapologetic about its support of the mineworkers demand for a R12,500 minimum wage. This support is a political support and that is why the EFF has pronounced on it in its elections manifesto that R12,500 must be a minimum wage in the entire mining sector. The silly attempt by the ANC to antagonise and shift blame of their failure to resolve the ongoing platinum strike to the EFF is further born of their failed attempts to pressure workers to submit to the interests of white capital through a dishonest mediation by the Ministry of Mineral Resources. Furthermore, the ANCs insinuation that this is not a political strike, but a collective bargaining strike is a desperate attempt to delegitimize and downplay workers legitimate demands and their efforts to secure their livelihood. The demand for a minimum wage is political and that is evidenced by the slaughter of 34 mineworkers in defense of capitalist interests by the ANC government two years ago. Finally, the idea that there should be concern on participation of foreign forces using AMCU to destabilize the country is also cheap. If there is anyone who works with foreign forces to guard foreign interests in this strike it is the ANC government. The Marikana Massacre perpetrated by the ANC government two years ago was in defense of London Mines, otherwise known as Lonmin, Impala and Anglo Platinum are all registered in the London stock of exchange. It comes as no surprise that the ANC characterises the strike as such in view of the financial interest of Cyril Ramaphosa. Workers must remain resolute knowing that EFF is behind them. EFF will also initiate a parliamentary process to help achieve the historic and long overdue demand of a minimum wage of R12, 500 for all mineworkers. ISSUED BY ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (National Spokesperson) Cell: +27 61 482 6589 Email: communications@gmail Website: effighters.org.za
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 10:15:25 +0000

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