Eh everyone, I just sent you a link to WRI2012 Enterprises for you - TopicsExpress


Eh everyone, I just sent you a link to WRI2012 Enterprises for you to Like and Share, please. I may not be your leader, neighbour, foe or friend, family or co-worker, whatever but I am here as you are and thank Our Creator who I call God for giving me me! I am a Spirit of Goodness, Faith, Love and Peace. I not only live in the physical form, I EXIST in a government file, LIVE in my family, LIVE in my home, LIVE in my work LIVE in my environment but heaven behold WE ARE ALIVE HERE> I cannot recall having been a part of my family in decades. Distance and our different lives made it impossible. I grew up away from my parents family with my own. Technology blesses us; Its a human created virtual path that empowers us to build and believe that as Creators, as one nation WE R International PeoplePower. God gifted me with a dream and with Faith and goodness in heart I envisioned my Path4Tomorrow, here live, ONLINE. Why? Because Our World needs a new path for the future so why not build it now? Why wait for yesteryears world power of today to change? History was recorded in black and white on papers to show their paths, wars and victories. No SHAME exposed in History Books and choosing to report leaving truths untold. So I thought about it, its great to feel like were a family online, so we can share from the heart and I have because I know what awesome people we all are. I am amongst family members, friends, new friends, long ago friendships that would not be if we were not here ALIVE not existing in a file of a non human dictator.... So, God guides my path, what I dreamt of, I wrote and shared not for money but to plant seeds for thoughts, seeds of opportunity and I have. I have watch all that has happened since I first came to Facebook. I came here curious and never expecting to see Our World already exists ONLINE. We R It - God, Our Creator, as He, we are powered to build a new Path4Change. Ive planned the path and it starts with mine and Gods Path4Faith. Ill be having two personal online Fundraising Ventures sometime in August where ninety-five per cent of the profit will go to help a community in need. My first venture will happen here in OUR GLOBAL VILLAGE! So, I hope this pleases my friend, Robert from Rescue Mission Kenya, Some time back, we discussed the needs of the children and for a small school so I asked him how much... and here I am. And from here, WRI2012 Enterprises, I wish to share the reins of its Leadership Path. Ive created a Leadership Partnerships to build in this new virtual world Our World, and I have chosen participants and organizations that I wish to offer Leadership Opportunities of Responsibility... You know, I have been feeling idle this year, but I havent - my mind gets little sleep when I think of the magnitude of my project, my venture, from the mind to print to here, I understand why they say, Rome wasnt built in one day! Isnt it amazing how, we are powered to build this World without Borders, age, face, race in Peace. God bless!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:32:49 +0000

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