FORCED OUT OF THE NEST! Genesis 12:1: “Now the Lord had said - TopicsExpress


FORCED OUT OF THE NEST! Genesis 12:1: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, ‘Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee:” Your world is dark, safe, and secure. You are bathed in warm liquid, cushioned from shock. You do nothing for yourself; you are fed automatically, and a murmuring heartbeat assures you that someone larger than you fills all your needs. Your life consists of simple waiting - you are not sure what to wait for, but any change seems far away and scary. You meet no sharp objects, no pain, and no threatening adventures. A fine existence. One day you feel a tug. The walls are falling in on you. Those soft cushions are now pulsing and beating against you, crushing you downwards. Your body is bent double, your limbs twisted and wrenched. You’re falling, upside down. For the first time in your life, you feel pain. You’re in a sea of rolling matter. There is more pressure, almost too intense to bear. Your head is squeezed flat, and you are pushed harder, harder into a dark tunnel. Oh, the pain. Noise. More pressure. You hurt all over. You hear a groaning sound and an awful, sudden fear rushes in on you. It is happening - your world is collapsing. You’re sure it’s the end. You see a piercing, blinding light. Cold, rough hands pull at you. A painful slap. Waaahhhh! Congratulations! You’ve just been born. These words, by the way, were penned by Philip Yancey in his book, Where is God When It Hurts? Birth is certainly traumatic, friends; but not only birth, but life itself. Like the unborn child, one moment we are nestled in our comfort zone, then we find ourselves forced through a canal into the cold unknown. But just as God designed the birth process, God also has designs on the transitions we go through in life. Transition and change is painful, but it is necessary to bring us to the next level of maturity. We move from glory to glory; from one stage to the next. Someone once said the only thing constant in life is change. If you are going through an unsettling transition in your life, remember, not only is God with you, He designed the process; and He will see you through to the next level, as you move forward by faith, into this new day.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 16:36:00 +0000

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