Flora and Fauna Various types of trees are found all over - TopicsExpress


Flora and Fauna Various types of trees are found all over the district. But the more commonly found varieties include Pipal trees. Kabulliua, ( Oravila robusta ), Khok ( Albizzia Spp), Tera ( Salimalia Malabarica ), Sileima ( Eugenia pracox), Tairen ( Cedrela loona ) etc. Bamboos and plantain trees are common everywhere. Various types of fruit-bearing plants also thrive in the districts. Important varieties are pineapple, pear, peach, Jack fruit, banana, mango, lemon, plum, guava, amla etc. The habit of the local people to plant banyan trees along the road side and bamboos and fruit bearing trees within their compounds give the rural areas a permanent green scenery. Recently, the Government as also introduced plantation of quick growing trees under the social forestry programme along the road side. In spite of its rich vegetation, due to the absence of any forest worth the name within the district wild animals are not found abundantly, Deer and Jungle fowl are some of the varieties found at present occasionally along the slope of eastern hills adjoining the district. But the lakes support a variety of wild birds such as partridge, snipe, duck, geese, etc. particularly in winter months. These birds are mostly migratory in character. Some of them are seen coming from far off Siberia. With the gradual conversation of the lakes into agricultural lands these migratory birds are seen in increasingly fewer members in recent times.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:00:01 +0000

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