For gods people there is one father as in not 3 or 2 or triune - TopicsExpress


For gods people there is one father as in not 3 or 2 or triune goggles or Saul or david or anything but the oneness therein, u live 4 a chance2 walk THE WAY & truth& life filling a empty-cross & how would one succeed 2Yah hmmmmm what was everything that Christ said of thoes born of men there lay a 1st born of the dead & the same is 1st born son of (MAN)=split a log there lies what ur seeking as sun worshipers seek why have we strayed into the wilderness 2C^reed blown in gods wind, woe is me 4 i am guilty of the same sin & whoever falls on this rock will be shattered but whoever this rock falls on will be turned to dust Your first born brother if u call him not your God has your inheritance who can measure its borders & boundaries. #1st harvest complete sons census who goes quietly as a lamb goes silently to the slaughter turning their other cheek resisting not evil ? & who bathes in my brothers __..__blood & sees repetitious forgiveness broken youll be on that rock, but the stone the builders rejected was the cornerstone =urcross4yahweh or that line you drew in the sand of the earth ??? For our brothers are Islam aka {bucking bronco} and is it no++++ written that heaven is filled with violence, &it=heaven}, is taken by force=in & by martyr dom the sons of the most high c&know the inner patterns of the fathers ROBe @ his feet r his children found asking for justice the differance= y^€08*$ descendants sacrifice as christ powwwwwww LOL And the second harvest your found brothers @ mans feet U showing them the way &giving gods good news brings thy unblinded sons of god so behold your fruit on his set feast days and let yourselves not be empty handed OUR BROTHER said The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man who was a King who made a wedding feast for his son. 3And he sent his servants to call those invited to the wedding feast, and they chose not to come. 4Again he sent other servants, and he said, Tell those invited, Behold, my banquet is ready, and my oxen and my fatlings are killed, everything is prepared; come to the wedding feast. 5And they showed contempt and went, one to his field, and another to his commerce. 6But the rest seized, abused and killed his servants. 7But when the King heard, he was angry and he sent his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city. 8Then he said to his servants, The wedding feast is ready, and those who were invited were not worthy. 9Go therefore to the ends of the roads and call everyone whom you find to the wedding feast. 10And those servants went out to the roads, and they gathered everyone whom they found, bad and good, and the place of the wedding feast was filled with guests.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 08:44:57 +0000

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