For those of you who are not up to speed let me tell you how Mark - TopicsExpress


For those of you who are not up to speed let me tell you how Mark Dice is a controlled opposition/gatekeeping/disinformation government agent: -Mark is there to put out 90% good info and 10% disinfo. He lures you in with that 90% good to hook you in so you trust him. -You will notice a pattern in all his videos. Whenever you want to dig deeper down the rabbit hole Mark is right there to tell you that you are a crazy conspiracy theorist if you keep digging. He doesnt actually give a comprehensive intellectual argument as to why he is right but will only resort to name-calling and insults to prove his point. -Almost all of Mark Dices youtube videos and books have to do with the illuminati infiltrating the entertainment industry. Yet when a celebrity dies under mysterious circumstances Mark is THE FIRST PERSON in line to tell you that if you think the illuminati would murder someone in the entertainment industry you are crazy and a moron Not to mention the fact that Mark is a frequent guest on the E! Hollywood channel (why would they let him on unless deliberately to spread disinformation). -He has attacked many respected truthers including Bill Cooper and John Todd by regurgitating the fabricated lies of the mainstream media to discredit them. Claiming anyone who believes them are nuts. -Mark Dices previously failed businesss included Dating Services and Advanced Memory Concepts before he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon realizing he could make more money. These are just some of the red flags you will see with truther Mark Dice theyre many more to keep an eye out for. God bless.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:10:56 +0000

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