GAME ON IN JANUARY: WHO BECOMES ZAMBIAS NEXT LEADER? Game on in January. It is not Sata versus Rupiah in January, 77 days from now. Sata has died (MHSRIP), Rupiah Banda will make a mistake to try and come back. Let PF select a young leader and I will advise MMD to replace Nevers with Mutati. HH is still far. I am not tribal, but with this tag still being used against him, it was time his media minders try not to avoid talking and cleansing the part of this problem. NAREP leader Elias Chipimo Jr. is seen as intelligent and could make a leader who brings major reform to Zambia, but misgivings are that he still has to grow his political party to a point where he links his ideas with the immediate needs of the people. FDDs Edith Nawakwi is not even talked about in barbershops and markets. It is unfortunate for our lady who was described as The Zambian Sarah Palin by one of Zambias media products, Field Ruwe. HPs Godfrey Miyanda seems to have melted into his village concept and citizens look at him as a political clown. To the next potential President of Zambia and especially to one who is keen to take it, here is what I feel should be his or her approach: There is need to apply the two-step information flow--this is where the their political party should use opinion leaders in the areas of public opinion concentration like markets, schools, unions, churches and other groups. Who among the influential church leaders talk openly about you as an opposition leader and how they feel you can rule or not rule? Who among the labour movement leaders have whispered to their grassroots leadership that they feel you are the best alternative? Who among the traders in the markets sit down to share their views why they feel you must take over the reigns of power now? Just talking that you can rule without knowing who else among those who are not decided engage in conversation about you is a mistake. Opposition leader ABCD and your team, you should now learn to have a list of phone numbers to influential people in the unions, churches, markets, bus stations and schools. You must open conversation with those who learn how to survive in an informal way, share hope with them and how your government will help to make their businesses grow. You must assure chiefs how you will not divide and rule over them, but how he will bring fairness to the way the institution of chiefs is treated and involved in the governance of the country. In education, you must assure managers, teachers and learners how your party is going to bring education to a level that will give every paper one gets along his education course is of value. He must show us how he will improve infrastructure and, using the Private Public Partnership (PPP), how he will use the already existing principle of boarding houses to help government resolve the accommodation crisis facing institutions of higher learning. The opinion so far is that people feel they still need a PF candidate to continue. This will, however, depend on the kind of candidate and formidable campaign PF puts up.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:10:16 +0000

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