GET YOUR SUMMER BODY NOW! Summer is approaching quickly and - TopicsExpress


GET YOUR SUMMER BODY NOW! Summer is approaching quickly and its time to kick up the intensity in your workouts so you can look great at the beach, for summer competitions or just walking around town. For decades health clubs have experienced two times during the year when new memberships increase - in January at the start of the new year and late spring. New Years resolutionists vow to make it the year that they will get in shape. The people who join clubs in late spring have thoughts and dreams of looking leaner and more fit for the warm months of summer. Short sleeves, tank-tops, halter-tops and shorts are right around the corner so lets get started. Everyone is at various stages and levels of fitness. There isnt a one-size-fits-all workout for everyone. A high-intensity routine would nearly incapacitate a person who has only recently started exercises. A beginners routine would not be a challenge for those who engage in frequent workouts and have been training and exercising consistently. In order to reach a broad spectrum of people, Ive written this article for all of you out there that want a challenging workout regardless of your fitness level. Pick the level that describes you best and follow that routine. Its as simple as that. What Is Your Level? Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level This level is for people who have not exercised at all or have just started a routine and are still uncertain what to do. In order to gain muscle, lose fat and become more flexible you need to incorporate three different types of exercise - strength training, cardiovascular exercise and stretching. Deciding how much of each type you need depends on what your goals are. If you are carrying some excess baggage around your waist and hips, youll want to make cardiovascular exercise or cardio your first priority. Cardio is any exercise that you can continually do over an extended amount of time. Walking, jogging, biking and rowing are examples of cardio. Your body uses large amounts of oxygen while performing this kind of exercise. Cardio is also called aerobic exercise because it means using or needing oxygen. Because of this whole aerobic process, the body burns fat more readily and its a sure bet that cardio will help you sheds pounds of unwanted fat. Strength training is an anaerobic exercise and doesnt utilize oxygen for energy. You still need to breathe, of course, but you need to take many rest periods while strength training. Fat burning can still take place to a degree with anaerobic training, but its not as efficient for burning off the fat like cardio is. Stretching helps you to become more limber. If you can move easier, even simple tasks like tying your shoes can become much easier. More flexibility can cause less strain on the body and also help to prevent many injuries due to overreaching or simply bending over too quickly. Begin with five minutes on the treadmill for a warm-up. Walk at a medium pace. Nothing taxing. This is just to get your blood flowing and raise your body temperature slightly. You might break a sweat; you might not. Next up is strength training. Do a full-body workout. Start with the largest muscles in the body and end with the smallest. Use an amount of weight that is comfortable to perform and will allow you to do all the sets and repetitions. Rest 30 seconds to 1-minute between sets. This workout should take about 25 minutes to complete. Legs: Leg Press: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps Lying Leg Curls: 2 sets of 12 reps Seated Calf Raises: 2 sets of 15 reps Back: Front Pulldowns: 3 sets of 8-10 reps Chest: Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps Shoulders: Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8 reps Arms: EZ-Bar Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets of 10 reps Finish off your workout with 25-30 minutes of cardio exercise. Pick any cardio exercise equipment you like. It doesnt matter which one just find one you like. If you prefer, you can go outside and walk or jog for 25-30 minutes. Whatever gets you moving is fine. Just do it! Now Get TO WORK!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 13:18:26 +0000

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