GOD CREATED THE ROCKS OF THE EARTH IN LESS THAN THREE MINUTES! HERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF: When God created the earth, He left His signature in the earth’s foundation granite in the form of microscopic spheres created by pinpoints of the element Polonium 218. Polonium 218 is radioactive and has a half-life of about 3 minutes. In its decay process, this element emits alpha particles. These subatomic particles mark the surrounding rock, producing spheres around the initial pinpoint of the element. If a rock is cut and examined under a microscope, these spheres appear as halos around the initial tiny deposit of the element. Halos produced by other radioactive elements differ from the halos produced by Polonium 218. The halos reveal the identity of the element that produced them. While it is true that Polonium 218 is an element in the decay sequence of heavier elements, the rocks abound with halos representing points of Polonium 218 as the initial element. The rocks of the earth had to have been created and solidified within about 3 minutes for this element to have left its halos. If the earth had been in a molten state any longer than this, all the isolated points of Polonium 218 would have disappeared, leaving none to cause halos when the rock solidified. In other words, the earth was created with a solid crust the way it is today. It was never in a molten state like the evolutionists try to make us believe. Scientists tell us that the earth is billions of years old, was formed in a molten state, and that it took millions of years for the earth to cool to its solid state that we know today. The halos of Polonium 218 in the rocks all over the world show that this theory is completely untrue. These Polonium 218 halos prove that the rocks of the earth were created in less than three minutes.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:47:22 +0000

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