GOOD TUESDAY MORNING TO ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Freezing cold days are here for at least all week. Bring your animals in your pets and other animals do get cold too. Check on your neighbors especially your elderly ones. Make sure you have blankets, water, munchies in your car incase something happens and you get stuck. Also, batteries for your flashlights oh a flashlight too. Window cleaner, a bag of salt, In your house make sure you have candles, flashlights, plenty of water incase the power goes out, gas for your generator. KEEP PRAYING FOR THE FOLLOWING: OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES; THE HOMELESS AND LONELY; PEACE & UNITY FOR THE US AND THE WORLD; EBOLA: The Patients, Their Families and Friends, Their Caregivers, The Medical Staff, and The Burial Crew; Joe and Denise Napiers family, Sarah, Philipian, Anthony Monroe, Kathy Maher, Phyllis, Jhon, SK, Sajid, Issah, Omery, Jay, Joann, Norman, Brian, Tim, Tom, Emilio, Zac; ALL who are ILL; ALL who are in NEED of Prayers. THE THOUGHT OF THE DAY IS: Tears are how the heart speaks when our lips can not describe how much we have been hurt. Have a marvelous day and a blessed one. Smile at everyone. Give them something to feel good about. Love you &. Your friend always, Bev. :)
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:02:00 +0000

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