Gaji TKI Hong Kong Naik Jadi HK$ 4.010 Per Bulan UNIMIG.ORG ? - TopicsExpress


Gaji TKI Hong Kong Naik Jadi HK$ 4.010 Per Bulan UNIMIG.ORG ? Gaji TKI Hong Kong naik 2,3 persen menjadi 4.010 dolar Hong Kong mulai 1 Oktober 2013. Pemerintah Hong Kong mengumumkan kemarin (30/9/2013, Upah Minimum Allowable (MAW) untuk pembantu rumah tangga asing (Foreign Domestic Helpers/FDHs) di Hong Kong naik sebesar $90 dari $3.920 sampai $4010 per bulan atau naik sebesar 2,3 persen. Berdasarkan Kontrak Kerja Standar untuk mempekerjakan FDHs, pengusaha wajib memberikan FDHs dengan makanan gratis biaya. Saat ini, sebagian besar pengusaha memberikan gratis makanan untuk FDHs. Pengusaha mungkin, bagaimanapun, juga memilih untuk membayaruang makan sebagai pengganti. Jika pengusaha memilih untuk menyediakan FDHs dengan uang makan, tunjangan akan meningkat sebesar $45 dari tidak kurang dari $875 menjadi minimal $920 per bulan, yaitu meningkat sebesar 5,1 persen. Gaji baru PRT Hong Kong itu berlaku untuk semua kontrak yang ditandatangani pada atau setelah 1 Oktober 2013. (Lutfiana Wakhid/BMI Hong Kong).* Berikut ini penguman resmi kenaikan gaji TKI Hong Kong seperti dimuat website pemerintah Hong Kong:� Minimum Allowable Wage and food allowance for foreign domestic helpers to increase ****************************************************** The Government announced today (September 30) that the Minimum Allowable Wage (MAW) for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong is to be increased by $90 from $3,920 to $4,010 per month, up by 2.3 per cent. Under the Standard Employment Contract for hiring FDHs, employers are required to provide FDHs with food free of charge. At present, the vast majority of employers provide free food to FDHs. Employers may, however, also choose to pay a food allowance in lieu. If employers choose to provide FDHs with a food allowance, the allowance will be increased by $45 from not less than $875 to not less than $920 per month, i.e. an increase of 5.1 per cent. The new levels of MAW and food allowance will apply to all FDH contracts signed on or after tomorrow (October 1). The Government spokesman said, ?The Government has all along regularly reviewed the MAW for FDHs. In this year?s review, we have carefully considered Hong Kong?s general economic and employment situation, as reflected through a basket of economic indicators including the relevant income movement, price change and labour market situation, as well as the affordability of employers.��After careful consideration of the economic indicators, and the need to strike a balance between the affordability of employers and the livelihoods of FDHs, the Government has decided to make the above-mentioned adjustment.? The spokesman added, ?The Government has also reviewed the food allowance in lieu of free food and decided to make an increase, having regard to the movement in the relevant consumer price index.? The spokesman stressed that the MAW and food allowance are only a minimum standard, which are set to protect FDHs from exploitation and to protect local workers from competition with low-wage foreign workers. Employers may choose to provide FDHs terms better than the MAW and food allowance, depending on their individual circumstances. FDH contracts signed today or earlier at the existing MAW of $3,920 per month and food allowance of not less than $875 per month will still be processed by the Immigration Department (ImmD) provided that the applications will reach ImmD on or before October 28, 2013. This arrangement will give employers sufficient time to send the signed contracts to ImmD for completion of the necessary application procedures. salam perantau
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:43:56 +0000

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