Gracetw - TopicsExpress


Gracetw 陳泱瑾模特儿美媽咪超愛推介。。。https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151488439522219&set=a.351695892218.157125.351636057218&type=1&theater 全方位澈白、緊緻豐潤眼周肌膚 眼睛最容易洩漏一個人的年齡,當眼周肌膚失去彈性,出現細紋時,再光滑無瑕的臉蛋也掩飾不了歲月的痕跡。 富含雌激素,同時具有抗皺、緊實肌膚的效果。改善眼部細紋,同時增加皮膚緊實度。添加玻尿酸及膠原蛋白,滋潤眼周肌膚,增強眼肌防護力,給予肌膚適當水分。輔酶Q10、北蟲草、柳蘭精,胺基酸等萃取物,可調理肌膚,維持肌膚柔嫩細緻。眼周脆弱的肌膚更緊緻豐潤,打造更年輕無紋的性感雙眼。 *嫩白高效滲透性,全方位澈白 *精純優異保濕元素,維持肌膚柔嫩細緻 *強大抗氧化力,緊緻豐潤 An ultra-luxe eye complex that boosts skin’s youthful elasticity and resiliency. It visibly replenishes and rejuvenates the delicate eye area. *Estradiol stimulates collagen production to prevent the development of wrinkles. *Ginseng Extract activates the skin’s metabolism and blood flow to regenerate and tone. *Diminishes the appearance of puffiness, dark circle and fine lines instantly and over time. *For all skin types
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:07:32 +0000

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