HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN TO CALL SOMEONE A FRIEND? One of the most - TopicsExpress


HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN TO CALL SOMEONE A FRIEND? One of the most common things people wonder when they meet new people is how do know when you can actually call someones friend? Labels are hard thing to process for some people and they get caught up on the level of friendship, rather than the relationship itself. The exact moment in time when to call someone a friend will vary with the relationship and people involved. For me, here are some signs that the person is actually a friend. (1) They care about you- Caring can mean all kinds of things, from acting in a pleasant manner to doing nice things for me. Generally someone that cares for me will. LISTEN,RESPECT MY FEELINGS, APOLOGIZE WHEN THEY DO SOMETHING WRONG, BE CONCERNED ABOUT MY WELL-BEING, CALL OR EMAIL EVEN WHEN THEY ARE BUSY....E.T.C... Caring doesnt involve a checklist but a feeling that my well being is handled in a positive manner. Not everyone is a hugger, or shows their emotions as well as others, but if I feel as if someone truly believes in me and wants me to succeed, chances are they really do care.... (2) They havent betrayed me....While betrayal can happen at the hand of someone who is or was a friend, odds are that if youve been stabbed in the back, something in the relationship has changed. This means that someone I thought was on my side wants to see me fail or become unhappy. Once someone betrays me, its a safe bet that, they are no longer my friends. The difficulty with this, however, is that people arent perfect and even our best friends can break our trust at times. If that happens, a true friend will be sorry, apologize and mean it and want to make things right. If someone gives a non-apology or doesnt seem to care that they betrayed you, then they arent really a friend...(3) They make Time for you... Have you ever had someone who just couldnt get together with you unless they needed something? If you want to chat or hang out, they claim. To be too busy. But it they wants favor, they somehow have all time in the world. While any of us can claim to be busy,a true friend will make time for you. Maybe they cant talk right now, but if I need to, they will find time to call me back. Promptly. Or, if their schedule is really booked for the next few weeks, they will still try and put a date on the calendar to get together with you at some point. They dont blow you off...If youre consistently trying to pin down someone and they seem to begrudgingly get together with you, they may just be keeping you in their social circle for their own benefit and therefore dont really think of you as a friend. If you really dont like someone, its difficult to really call them a friend. Think of all the times that you were forced to see people who irritate you. How do you act with them? When they talk are you genuine in the questions you ask as part of the conversations? Or do you count the minutes until you have to leave? Think of these distinctions when youre out with someone you arent sure is really a friend. How do you feel when youre with them? Do they seem snarky? They might not enjoy your company. More importantly, do you enjoy theirs? If you dont, why even bother trying to determine if they are a friend? FOR ME PERSONNALY, WHOM I CALL A FRIEND, WHO NURTURE MY SPIRIT AND MAKE ME FEEL POSITIVE ABOUT LIFE, ALSO A FRIEND IS SOMEONE WHO I CAN TRUST, SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT MY WELL-BEING, BECAUSE LIFE MATTERS. IT TAKES A WHILE TO FIND THESE QUALITIES IN SOMEONE BECAUSE YOU MUST GOTHROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES TO SEE PERSONS TRUE COLORS.....(Thats how I feel....WHAT ABOUT YOU?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:48:11 +0000

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