Has your life ever been so hard that you wanted to quit? Have you - TopicsExpress


Has your life ever been so hard that you wanted to quit? Have you ever wanted to get out of being you and quit? Have you ever been so lost or confused in your life that you didnt know what to do, where to go or which direction to take so you wanted to quit? Have you ever been sick & tired of being sick & tired and just wanted to quit. Ever thought it would be easier to just quit? Have you ever just wanted to quit? No? ..well I have. But after the thoughts of quitting I asked myself, Then what? Then where will you go.. then what will you do.. If it becomes easier, then how can you grow.. etc etc. Then what? Ive been pushed to my limits before. So much so that I want to just give up and quit. Ive been in circumstances and situations that made me question myself, my desires and my life in general. Ive been in a place where I couldnt find the words to say so I was unintentionally silent and indescribably speechless. Ive been through such challenging experiences where I felt like I couldnt hear Gods answers to my prayers or feel His presence. There was a time when I was crying uncontrollably and could only speak the word/name Jesus.. Times when all I could do was quote scriptures during a prayer because I couldnt find the words to pray.. times when praying in the Spirit was all I could do because no English words could express nor explain how I felt.. Times when I needed a hug or for someone to sincerely ask How are you and want more than the usual Blessed Good and you or Im fine ..Ive been there before friends... Ive wanted to quit. BUT GOD. God will not give you more than you can handle. God will not allow you to go through situations if you werent able to overcome them. God will not let you face circumstances that will defeat you. God will not bring you to something if He didnt plan on bringing you through it. God will not let any trial or tribulation separate you from His presence, love, joy, peace or strength. He wont be mocked or made to look like a fool. He will supply your EVERY need. He will give you the desires of your heart as long as they align with His will. Hes not a liar. He takes cares of whats His! If you ever dont know what to do or want to quit, read Romans 5:3. Look back over your life and remember all that youve already been through.. operative word, THROUGH. If youve been THROUGH something before, you can and will get THROUGH this. At that time you felt like It was the hardest thing youve ever been through and you overcame it; this is no different. Know that what the devil intends for bad, God will make good. Trust God and keep pushing. He strengthening you and teaching you to trust, persevere and, endure. HES PREPARING YOU FOR GREATER. Exchange your strength and will for His. You will get through this. DONT QUIT.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:39:58 +0000

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