Having been reminded of Kentons plans to offer to buy shares from - TopicsExpress


Having been reminded of Kentons plans to offer to buy shares from Lilian, i find I am now quite depressed at the widespread misery that is being set up around the presumed failure of the sale of Brookfield. If it doesnt go through, at a stroke Ambridge will be filled with disappointed, angry and despairing people. David, ruth and Pip will be upset and at loggerheads with each other over it all, and D&R will have a hundred new reasons for self-pitying whining for weeks on end; Jill will be turned upside down once more and wondering where to live, once Shula has redecorated and Brookfield is not exactly full of happy bunnies - she will be caught in the middle of her warring children- again. Will THAT produce the heart-attack/stroke? Lizzie, Shula and Alistair will be miserable due to the sudden end to their plans and dreams of a more secure financial future; Kenton will be in debt and he and Jolene will be depressed, anxious and angry; Fallon will have her dreams for her new business ended at a stroke - and will that also impact on whatever hopes Emma may have of being a part of it and earning more money? The most heartbreaking of all will be if Lilian has taken comfort in the prospect of a source of funds to ease whatever debt Matt has left her with. While I can cope with a bit of misery here and there, interspersed with other more positive story lines, i do not want to subject myself to a village of all-consuming misery. So if the Brookfield sale does not go ahead, i think that is going to be the trigger for me to do other things at 7.02pm. There is misery enough in real life, I do not need to subject myself to it unnecessarily when it affects characters i care about, especially Lilian. Very sad :-( (having said that, if D&R do go north, i shall make the bunting myself!!!)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:04:09 +0000

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