Here’s why you need a unique differentiation if you want to get - TopicsExpress


Here’s why you need a unique differentiation if you want to get an unfair advantage over your competitors… I’ve been hearing fabulous news over the past few weeks! Many of my students have been taking action and implementing what they’ve learnt. And the results have been astounding! Some of them have also been appearing on the both local and international media because of their strategic positioning and unique differentiation. (You know who you are!) Straits Times, The New Paper, Liane Wanbao, MyPaper, CCTV - just to name a few. Can you imagine how much more leads and sales will you get through free publicity? This is why I always tell everyone who wants you build a successful business to create a unique differentiation. In this highly competitive market, countless of different brands are clamouring for your attention everyday. From the time you wake to the time you leave your house, you’d have been bombarded by thousands of different advertisements each minute. Can you see how difficult it is to stand out from the crowd? The truth is, in order to stand out from the crowd and from your competitors, you must offer something intrinsically different (but yet relevant) from your competitors. But the mistake that most business owners and entrepreneurs make: they follow the “Copycat” mentality. They think that since there’s a strong demand for a particular product or service, they should also enter that market and create a similar product as their competitors. They think that if they can create a better product than their competitors, they would be able to perform better than them. But what they don’t realise is that they will only be seen as a copycat. Here’s the shocker: It’s better to be DIFFERENT than to be better. Plus being unique with a good positioning will make your business newsworthy (: In my bestselling book Secrets to Dominate Your Niche, I mention that one of the best ways to do that is to find a sub niche that is under served but at the same time profitable (Page 73). Here’s a simple test: 1) Is there a niche market whose needs are not met? 2) Are there demands for solutions? In order words, would people be willing to pay for solutions? If the answer to these questions is ‘YES!’ then you may have found a gold mine (: Useful? “Share” it so others will benefit as well. Interested in getting Secrets to Dominate your Niche? Click here —> Btw, I will be sharing a lot more on strategic positioning and differentiation this week (including one tomorrow). Look out for it!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:00:01 +0000

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