Hi my lovely friends, I am doing a research on peoples tendency - TopicsExpress


Hi my lovely friends, I am doing a research on peoples tendency when they eat alone/together with other people, and I would like to collect some sources from you. Could you take a photo of your next meal (most likely dinner) and post it here, or send it to me if you are too shy to publish it? Also indicate the number of people, and the location (eg: home/eat out). Your help will be much appreciated, thank you very much! By a poor MA student (p_q) 可愛的朋友們, 我正在進行一項關於人們飲食行為的調查,可否麻煩大家下一次吃飯的時候,不限早午晚餐,拍張你的食物的照片回覆在這篇po文(或是私訊給我),並在回覆裡註明是自己吃或是跟朋友吃、在家吃或在外面吃。舉手之勞幫助一個小小的研究生,雖然沒辦法以身相許但您的幫助小妹會永銘於心的 (p_q) 萬分感謝!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 19:10:31 +0000

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