How can I tell if my newborn is getting enough milk? amy. How - TopicsExpress


How can I tell if my newborn is getting enough milk? amy. How often should I feed my baby? Let your baby be your guide. Feed him as often as he wants it. You don’t need to try to set up a feeding routine during the first few days and weeks. Once the first sleepy day or two have passed, your baby may seem hungry most of the time. And he probably is, since hell digest a feed within a couple of hours. Your baby will probably want to breastfeed eight to 15 times a day for the first one or two days. By the end of the first week this will probably have settled down to six to eight times a day. Your baby may actually lose weight when he’s weighed during the first few days. But this doesn’t mean he’s not getting enough milk. Newborns normally lose between five per cent and 10 per cent of their birth weight in the first three days. After a few days your baby should start to gain weight again. If he is weighed at five to seven days, you should be able to see that he is starting to grow. How can I tell if my baby is getting enough milk? If you notice these signs, then your baby should be getting enough milk: Your baby is feeding at least six to eight times a day. Breastfeeding feels comfortable and painless. Your breasts feel emptier and softer after feeds. Your baby looks a healthy colour and has firm skin which bounces right back if you pinch it gently. Your baby is wetting enough nappies. He should have at least six to eight wet nappies every 24 hours, once hes more than five days old. Your babys wee should also be pale and odourless. You can see your baby swallow while he is feeding, and he seems to be latched on properly. Your baby changes rhythm while sucking and pauses during feeds. He should start feeding again when hes ready, and come off your breast spontaneously when hes finished. Your baby’s poos are a yellowy-mustard colour by the time he’s five days old. What are the signs that my baby isnt getting enough milk? If your baby isn’t getting enough milk, you’ll notice one or more of these signs: Your baby doesn’t regain his birth weight and doesnt put on weight after the first few days. Your breasts dont feel softer after feeds. Your baby is unsettled after feeds. Your baby wants to feed constantly. Your baby is sleepy most of the time. Your baby has dimples in his cheeks or makes clicking noises while breastfeeding. This is a sign that your baby is not latched on properly. Get help from a breastfeeding counsellor or infant feeding specialist to make sure that your technique is right. Your baby is wetting fewer than six to eight nappies in a 24-hour period after hes five days old. Your baby poos less than once a day, or begins doing small, dark poos after hes five days old. His skin becomes more yellow, instead of less, after the first week. He doesn’t develop a rounded face by about three weeks. Your babys skin remains wrinkled after the first week. If youre concerned about any of these signs, talk to your doctor or child health nurse. One of the hardest things about settling into breastfeeding is feeling confident that you’re giving your baby enough milk. If you want reassurance, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your midwife, child health nurse, a breastfeeding counsellor or infant feeding specialist.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:55:00 +0000

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