I am going to put this out there for all women who run sacred - TopicsExpress


I am going to put this out there for all women who run sacred groups or healing groups for women one needs to be very careful about where to run these - the places need to be a place where you can truly set sacred space for women. I was disturbed to see a workshop which I would loved to have attended it sounds beautiful and enlightening HOWEVER THE PLACE THAT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO RUN IT has a history of abuse and torture for young women. Convents all over Australia have and are transforming themselves into conference centres wedding centres - but do you know the history of these convents they use to places children in them until the late 70s. ( these children being in need of protection/ care for one reason or another) Many of you would not have heard of what Forgotten Australians are but Google it and you will see that they are children who grew up in institutions many of them convents. Nuns who under the name of God Mary and Jesus who were protected by a church that allowed paedophilia (are you aware that there is an inquiry into this abuse going on right this minute trying to bring these places into accountability) How can you set a sacred space for women within such a house that has and always will be seen by thousands of now women as A HELL ON EARTH a place that showed them that the devil did exist but it was within these walls and humans under the name of god was the devil? I could never step foot in such a place or any other convent that has been transformed into conference building the grieving souls of many are still within. THE SPIRIT OF THE CHILDREN WILL FOREVER REMAIN IN THESE PLACES AS THIS IS WHERE THE SOULS OF CHILDREN LEFT THEM MANY STILL REMAIN WAITING TO BE RETREAVED. To me I acuate it with asking me to have a picnic where and atom bomb went off 20 years ago - how many of you would go to such a sight knowing that such horror happened all under that name of HUMAN KIND - the radiation is in ground into the soil the walls of the buildings the drains - NO - SUMDGING WILL NOT WILL CLEAN RADIATION and the souls of these children may not kill you but THEY WILL NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ARE THERE SUPPORTING THESE OWNERS OF THE CONVENT.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:08:15 +0000

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