I started this page to help me lose weight and to become more - TopicsExpress


I started this page to help me lose weight and to become more healthy!! Let me start by saying... My weakness... Mt. Dew and well ... food!! I love to cook!! I am just starting this journey and I know I will do better if I am not traveling it alone!! So here is my story!! I became a beach body coach about a month ago! I ordered the 3 day refresh challenge pack! Not going to lie... The 3 days was rough!! I struggle with textures in my drink but I loved the eating healthy and loved the shakeogly (chocolate with almond milk) my husband drank the refresh drinks and said they were not bad... So I know YOU can do it!! My coach nicki Klunk told me to measure myself... So glad I did.. At the end of the 3 days I had lost 7 lbs and total of 5 inches! My plan is to eat healthy staying under 1200 calories ( I have a food diary) drink half my weight in water, NO MT dew!! And exersize ... I have t25 and insanity a treadmill and I love to walk!! Now what are your goals??????
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:31:24 +0000

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