I would like to express something thats pissing me off a bit and - TopicsExpress


I would like to express something thats pissing me off a bit and that is being told there is a cure for diabetes and that i can revert my situation and be cured of diabetes if i eat no surgery foods / some mythical diet and exorcise. myth 1: you cant eat surgery foods this is false everyone needs sugar even a diabetic a diabetic should only eat the same amount of sugar that is in a normal healthy diet this diet is the same for you the non diabetic as it is for the diabetic. ps. im talking about all forms of sugar to keep it simple. myth 2: diet and exorcise can cure diabetes this is also not true diet see above exorcise can be quite a challenge you could get into a hypoglycemic situation quite quickly you can also run out of energy quite fast even walking up some stairs then some days your not to bad. will exorcise cure or prevent diabetes NO it will not people who know me will know how fit i was not that long ago. i have trophies for Christ sake for being best in the state in my chosen field. only a few years ago i could get on my bike and go for a 50+km ride and not have a problem with it at all even had a running joke with lea come on sprint finish lol and she will tell you i used to love to do that at the end of the ride. did that prevent the diabetes NO. myth 3: your fat there fore you got diabetes defiantly so far from the truth its silly to even talk about it. myth 4: you eat sugary foods therefor you will get diabetes NOT true. diabetes can be a genetic disease proven fact. and you can get diabetes for no known reason at all there is no known cause. myth 5: diabetes is a lifestyle disease sure that can happen the problem with that statement is there are so many factors that cause type 2 you cannot say one size fits all. fact 1: if you are over weight and eat surgery foods and do not exorcise there is a slight risk you will get diabetes but this is NOT so in more cases that it has been found to be true. you cannot say eat this you will get diabetes thats simply wrong it is far more complex than that. fact 2: there is no cure for diabetes and there is no known reason why people get diabetes even if people live on a high sugar diet all there life it will not result in the majority of people getting diabetes. the people that do eat high sugar and get diabetes would have got diabetes anyway just later in life fact. if you think you have a cure and like to blame the person who has diabetes for it being there fault im probably going to have quite a big argument with you next time you bring it up. feel free to post scientific research papers below showing your cure for diabetes i look forward to that. ok i got that off my chest i feel a bit better if it upsets you sorry but it was upsetting me quite a bit and i cant keep my mouth shut forever.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:14:51 +0000

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