INSISIT ON INCLUDING THESE ADITIONAL CLAUSES IN THE CONTRACT IF YOU ARE GETTING A NEW JOB OR RENEWING (SHARE it) POEA has its own standard contract, you can ask employer to sign a secondary contract to include these terms or conditions. If employer is signing a contract provided by the agency (agencies have a standard contract), agencies can not force it on you if you do not agree, all contracts are subject to MUTUAL NEGOTIATIONS, do not accept the excuses its agency rule, its standard contract, sign withotu reading. REFUSE TO BE A CATTLE. DO NOT EVER SIGN A LEGAL DOCUMENT THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, THAT DOES NOT REFLECT YOUR CONSENT & AGREEMENT. Get employers agreement before you say YES to take up the job or renew. 1. The employer will provide the CONSENT TO TRANSFER (also known as Release Paper) to FDW upto 2 months in advance in case FDW wants to leave and gives them minimum 1 month notice. 2. The employer will provide the CONSENT TO TRANSFER (also known as Release Paper) to FDW 2 months in advance if the FDW does not want to renew the contract. 3. In case, FDW employer is not happy if the FDW, they will not forciblly send her to Philippines after terminating her contract prior to the expiry of the contarct. Should such a scenario arises. Any such termination must not be unilateral by the employer. termination and the date of release must be by the mutual consent between employer and the FDW, otherwise FDW has the right to refuse the request for the termination and initiate the court claim for the unfair dismissal. Employer must provide the FDW with minimum 1 month advance written notice along with the CONSENT TO TRANSFER (also known as Release Paper) the day written notice is given to the FDW. 4. To prevent psychological abuse of the FDW by the way of isolation from the family, friends, loved ones and the social cricle, employer will allow the FDW to use her personal mobile phone, laptop, tablet, etc at all times. 5. To prevent psychological abuse of the FDW by the way of isolation from the family, friends, loved ones and the social cricle, if employer has wifi at home then employer will provide the wifi password to the FDW at no cost to the FDW. 6. Employer will allow the FDW to use her personal mobile phone, laptop, tablet, etc at all times. 7. Employer will provide the toiletories at their own cost. 8. Employer will provide the food from the culture of the FDW or allow her to shop groceries at employers expesne to cook at home or an adequate allowance is given.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:05:38 +0000

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