IS THE WAY YOURE RESPONDING TO LIFE CHANGING? HAVE THERE BEEN HEALINGS? WHAT IS THE SUDDEN SHIFT OF PERCEPTION ABOUT? WHAT WERE TALKING ABOUT IS YOUR RELINQUISHMENT OF DEFINITIONS... So, weve been getting together for quite a while discussing the Course. Or let us say weve been discussing the Truth and seeing in what ways the Course supports the Truth, because there was something before the Course and what was before the Course was the Truth. And the Course is an expression of the Truth. The Course is not the end. The Course is not the point. The Truth is the point. And Im wondering, Im not going to ask any of you to respond to this, but Im wondering over the last year and a half, year and three-quarters that weve been reading, has your life been changing? Or better put, is the way youre responding to life changing? Are you letting life just roll over you? Or are you realizing that, indeed, there is another way to look at this, and purposely and conscientiously [exercising] inquisitiveness to see it a different way, and then actually seeing it in a new way? Have there been healings? I know, a miracle is quote a sudden shift of perception unquote. Ive heard it said, Its not about healing. Its about a sudden shift of perception in your mind. [chuckles] Well, if thats what you think, if thats what you believe, thats what youll get. And it wont be worth much. What point is there in having a sudden shift of perception, let us say, so that pain doesnt bother you, and pain continues? Ah . . but youre in bliss, and it doesnt bother you that youre in pain. If you think thats what its about, YOURE WRONG. What is the sudden shift of perception about? The sudden shift of perception is going to be about your experience. And when the sudden shift of perception that constitutes a miracle occurs, its a shift of perception in which, Im going to say, Gods Truth registers with you. Gods Truth about what? Gods Truth about what youre experiencing. Gods Truth about the Kingdom of Heaven that youve been looking at and calling the world, as though it has nothing to do with God. And so a sudden shift of perception is going to be accompanied with, accompanied by, a shift of experience. And so, instead of seeing your perception of Creation, you will see Creation Itself. And that will be recognizable as healing. Cancer gone. Deformed joints reformed. The Beauty, the Exquisiteness, the Perfection of Creation is what will be embodied, instead of your perception being embodied. And so you will experience a new embodiment whether its of your body, what you call your body, or the dying tree in the yard, or whatever it is that isnt manifesting all of the qualities of Creation Itself. Some sudden shifts of perception are little ones so they dont blow your mind. In fact, some shifts that occur, you dont recognize until later on when you realize, Wow! If that had happened a year ago, I would have been really upset. And now, no problem for me at all. I havent lost my peace. And Ive been able to cope with it quickly, intelligently and well. And theres been no drama or trauma. Whats my point? My point is that if all of this isnt registering in your life as transformed experience, as the disappearance of physical problems, or the meeting of a physical problem quickly, then youre up in your head, youre up in your intellect, and you are not connected to your Right Mind yet. A Course In Miracles. Well were not talking about causing miracles to happen. Were not talking about causing physical regeneration to happen. What were talking about is your relinquishment of your very definite definitions. The definitions you have come to on your own or through mutual agreements about the Kingdom of Heaven that define it as not being the Kingdom of Heaven. Were talking about abandoning those definitions so that What Each Thing Truly Is can register with you. And the way you abandon your current definitions, as weve been talking about, is by going within to the Altar. Being willing for a moment to abandon your best theories and your best concepts, and saying, Father, I want to know What The Truth Is here. I want You to tell me what it is, because I want to replace my definition with Your Perspective. Because I dont want to hurt anymore. And I dont want my Brother to hurt anymore. And I dont want to see the tree dying in the yard. Father, Im not... Im not asking to change the tree. Im asking You to help me relinquish whatever it is in me that is insisting upon seeing something different from the Perfect Embodiment of Creation That You Must Be Being there, right where that tree is. And why? Because when the shift of perception occurs within you that has been illuminated by the Father, you will see a perfect tree. Not because you manipulated matter through magic, or the force of the power of miracle-making, but because you actually were willing to relinquish whatever you thought the tree was, and whatever you thought the condition of the tree was, and whatever you thought the conditions were that brought about the problem the tree was having. And, indeed, your willingness to relinquish the idea that the world and universe youre seeing started from a big bang, a purely physical event, rather than It being the Visibility and Tangibility of the Movement of God that It has forever been. You know, we talk about waking up and going Home. Well, whats the purpose of our getting together and reading the Course and discussing the ideas? The purpose is to bring it home, to bring the point home. So, were talking about bringing it home right into this room. Bringing it home right into your house. Illuminating the Truth right where you are and seeing what could only be called physical transformations. Transformations that would register in a photograph. And if youre not seeing changes, youre not bringing this stuff home. And if you didnt realize that that was the point, Im telling you thats the point so that you will be inquisitive and attentive in the right place. In other words, all of this is relevant right now, right here. As someone else said, Its not pie in the sky after you die. And if it isnt relevant to you right now, youre missing it. Im not suggesting that all of you are missing it, but its essential for me to make this point. And if you do say, Well, you know, I havent seen much difference, dont ask yourself, What have I been doing wrong? Let the fact that youre aware that there hasnt been a lot of difference simply suggest to you that there is more for you to see, there is more for you to look forward to in this moment. That this moment is pregnant with illumination, transformation, sudden shifts of perception, expectancy. When a woman is pregnant, you say she is expecting. And when youre in a pregnant moment, which every moment is until youre fully awake, you should be expecting. When youre awake, every moment is pregnant, but its not pregnant with the abandoning of illusions and the replacement of them by the Truth. Its every moment is pregnant with the Movement of the Mind of God that never stops to repeat itself and therefore is always new, always vitally, significantly awesomely alive, awesomely new. But for the time being as you are bringing yourselves more and more into alignment with God, with your Real Mind which is the Holy Spirit, your expectancy needs to be to have the revelation of Truth that you havent been experiencing because you stifled it the moment you said, Father, I would rather see it my way. Father, I would rather do it myway. I would like to try being the author of my experience for a while. And as they say in television, when you did that you cut the feed. You lost the feed. You lost the connection. Expect your sudden shifts of perception to be relevant to where you are and to be experienced as transforming in a healing way where more perfection is manifest. There is more perfection that can be recorded in a photograph. That there is more perfection that everyone can see. So that where you limped before, you dont limp now. And where your fingers moved difficultly and were misshapen by arthritis, they now move flawlessly and are not misshapen. What are you going to have a new perception of if it isnt everything youre currently having misperceptions of? Just think about that. Okay. ~excerpt from ACIM Study Group with Raj/Jesus 4/2/01 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress FaceBook: https://facebook/groups/183859725130360/ All of the activities of the Northwest Foundation for A Course In Miracles are provided without charge or obligation. This is possible because of thoughtfulness, love extended without conditions. Such is the nature of Gift. As a result these materials are available to you, because someone like you has already gifted you with them. And, at Rajs instruction, these materials will never be sold. If you would like to add your thoughtfulness and love, to gift others with the availability of these materials, please contact Now I am present with and available to every single one of you, everyone at every moment. And so it is my intent in being with groups of people like this to make this fact known and by Pauls presence and demeanor also convey the fact that my being available doesnt require of anyone any special talent, because Paul is about as regular as anyone else on this planet and has no special talent in order to hear me. Does that clarify that for you? For those of you who are students of A Course In Miracles, I will take this opportunity to point out that my time spent with Helen Schucman was also not a special instance. And although there have been some expressions of the fact, or the idea-not the fact-the idea that everyone else cant expect the same sort of relationship with me or with Guidance that she experienced, is untrue. It is an attempt to elevate her, and to elevate the Course into a false position of religious respect, whether it is stated that way or not.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:01:01 +0000

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